In this article, you’ll discover a variety of words that start with the prefix “am,” enhancing your vocabulary and comprehension.
- Amalgam- a mixture or blend
- Amass- gather together or accumulate
- Amateur- a person who engages in a pursuit on an unpaid basis
- Amaze- surprise greatly; fill with astonishment
- Ambassador- an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative
- Amber- a hard, translucent, yellowish-brown fossil resin used for jewelry
- Ambiance- the character and atmosphere of a place
- Ambidextrous- able to use both hands equally well
- Ambiguity- the quality of being open to more than one interpretation
- Ambition- a strong desire to do or achieve something
- Ambivalent- having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone
- Amble- walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace
- Ambrosia- something very pleasing to taste or smell
- Ambush- a surprise attack by people lying in wait in a concealed position
- Amenity- something that contributes to physical or material comfort
- Amiable- having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner
- Amicable- characterized by friendliness and absence of discord
- Amiss- not quite right; inappropriate or out of place
- Ammunition- a supply or quantity of bullets and shells
- Amnesia- a partial or total loss of memory
- Amnesty- an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses
- Amoeba- a type of single-celled organism that can change shape
- Amok- behave uncontrollably and disruptively
- Amorous- showing, feeling, or relating to sexual desire
- Amorphous- without a clearly defined shape or form
- Amortize- gradually write off the initial cost of (an asset)
- Amount- a quantity of something
- Amphibian- an animal, such as a frog, that can live both on land and in water
- Amphitheater- an open circular or oval building with a central space surrounded by tiers of seats
- Ample- enough or more than enough; plentiful
- Amplify- increase the volume of (sound), especially using an amplifier
- Amputate- cut off (a limb), typically by surgical operation
- Amulet- an ornament or small piece of jewelry thought to give protection against evil
- Amuse- cause (someone) to find something funny; entertain
- Amygdala- a roughly almond-shaped mass of gray matter inside each cerebral hemisphere, involved with the experiencing of emotions
- Amnesia- loss of memory caused by brain damage, disease, or psychological trauma
- Amphetamine- a stimulant drug, used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Ample- enough or more than enough; plentiful
- Amplify- make something more marked or intense
- Amuck- in a frenzied or uncontrolled state
- Amulet- a small piece of jewelry or object thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease
- Amuse- provide interesting and enjoyable occupation for someone
- Amity- a friendly relationship
- Amalgamate- combine or unite to form one organization or structure
- Amnesia- a condition in which memory is disturbed or lost
- Amorphous- lacking a clear structure or focus
- Ample- enough or more than sufficient; plentiful
- Amplifier- an electronic device for increasing the amplitude of electrical signals
- Amputation- the action of surgically cutting off a limb
- Amateurish- not professional or skillful in appearance or action
- Amazement- a feeling of great surprise or wonder
- Ambidexterity- the ability to use the right and left hands equally well
- Ambition- a strong drive for success
- Ambush- a surprise attack by people lying in wait in a concealed position
- Ameliorate- make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better
- Amendment- a minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc.
- Amenorrhea- an abnormal absence of menstruation
- Amentia- mental retardation
- Amercement- a financial penalty in the medieval legal system
- Amethyst- a precious stone consisting of a violet or purple variety of quartz
- Amiability- the quality of having a friendly and pleasant manner
- Amicable- having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement
- Amino- relating to an amine; NH2
- Amine- an organic compound derived from ammonia by replacement of one or more hydrogen atoms by organic groups
- Amnion- the innermost membrane that encloses the embryo of a mammal, bird, or reptile
- Amniotic- of or relating to the amnion
- Amok- behave uncontrollably and disruptively
- Among- surrounded by; in the company of
- Amoral- lacking a moral sense; unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something
- Amorous- showing, feeling, or relating to sexual desire
- Amortization- the action or process of gradually writing off the initial cost of an asset
- Amount- a quantity of something, typically the total of a thing or things in number, size, value, or extent
- Amphibian- a cold-blooded vertebrate animal of a class that comprises the frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders
- Amphitheater- an oval or circular building with a central area surrounded by tiers of seats for spectators, used in ancient Rome for gladiatorial or other sports or entertainments
- Amplification- the process of increasing the volume of sound
- Amplifier- a device for increasing the amplitude of electrical signals, used chiefly in sound reproduction
- Amplitude- the extent or range of a quality, property, process, or phenomenon
- Amputee- a person who has had one or more limbs removed by amputation
- Amulet- a small piece of jewelry thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease
- Amuse- cause (someone) to find something funny or enjoyable
- Amusement- the state or experience of finding something funny or enjoyable
- Amygdalin- a compound found in some plants, especially almonds, that can release cyanide when metabolized
- Amylase- an enzyme, found chiefly in saliva and pancreatic fluid, that converts starch and glycogen into simple sugars
- Amyloid- a fibrous protein deposit associated with diseases such as Alzheimer’s
- Amylose- a component of starch that forms a helical structure
- Amity- a friendly relationship
- Amnesia- a loss of memory
- Ammonia- a colorless gas with a characteristic pungent smell
- Amoeba- a single-celled animal that catches food and moves about by extending fingerlike projections of protoplasm
- Ampere- a unit of electric current
- Amplitude- greatness of size; magnitude
- Amplify- make larger, greater, or stronger; enlarge; extend
- Amputate- to cut off (all or part of a limb or digit of the body)
- Amulet- a charm (often bearing an inscribed word or symbol) worn as protection against evil spirits or the supernatural
- Amuse- provide entertainment or laughter
- Amity- friendship; friendly relations
- Amalgamate- to combine or unite to form one organization or structure
- Amble- to go at a slow, easy pace; stroll; saunter
- Ameliorate- to make better or more tolerable
- Amenable- open and responsive to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled