Discover a variety of words that start with “at” to enrich your vocabulary and enhance your language skills.
- Atoll- a ring-shaped coral reef enclosing a lagoon.
- Atom- the smallest unit of a chemical element.
- Atrium- a large open space within a building, often featuring a glass roof.
- Attach- to fasten or join one thing to another.
- Attack- aggressive and violent action against a person or place.
- Attain- succeed in achieving something that one has desired.
- Attempt- make an effort to achieve or complete a task or action.
- Attend- be present at an event or activity.
- Attic- a space or room just below the roof of a building.
- Attire- clothes, especially fine or formal ones.
- Attitude- a settled way of thinking or feeling about something.
- Attract- cause to come to a place or participate in a venture.
- Attribute- a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something.
- Attrition- the process of reducing something’s strength or effectiveness through sustained attack or pressure.
- Atypical- not representative of a type, group, or class.
- Atone- make amends or reparations.
- Attest- provide or serve as clear evidence of.
- Athwart- from side to side of; across.
- Athlete- a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise.
- Athletic- physically strong, fit, and active.
- Athenaeum- a literary or scientific association for the promotion of learning.
- Atheist- a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
- Atlas- a book of maps or charts.
- Atmosphere- the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet.
- Atonal- music that lacks a key or tonal center.
- Atrocity- an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury.
- Atrophic- suffering from atrophy.
- Atrophy- (of body tissue or an organ) waste away, typically due to the degeneration of cells.
- Atrabilious- melancholy or ill-tempered.
- Atresia- the absence or closure of a normal body opening or canal.
- Atrial- pertaining to an atrium, especially of the heart.
- Atelier- a workshop or studio, especially one used by an artist or designer.
- Atavism- recurrence of or reversion to a past style, manner, outlook, approach, or activity.
- Atavistic- relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral.
- Ataraxia- a state of serene calmness.
- Ataractic- having a tranquillizing effect.
- Atactic- without coordination or organization.
- Atop- on or at the top.
- Atemporal- free from limitations of time.
- Atonement- reparation for a wrong or injury.
- Atonic- lacking normal muscle tone or strength.
- Atomize- convert (a substance) into very fine particles or droplets.
- Atomizer- a device for emitting water, perfume, or other liquids as a fine spray.
- Atomistic- related to the idea that something is made up of little separable units.
- Atavist- a person who reverts to the behavior of a far-back ancestor.
- Atrophied- wasted; withered; shriveled.
- Ataraxy- an alternate spelling of ataraxia.
- Atelic- lacking a purpose or not aimed towards a goal.
- Atelectasis- the partial collapse or closure of the lung.
- Atocia- barrenness; unproductiveness.
- Atomism- the theory that all matter is composed of very small discrete units.
- Atomic- relating to atoms.
- Atrocious- horrifyingly wicked.
- Attestation- the evidence or proof provided.
- Attention- the act or state of applying the mind to something.
- Attenuate- reduce the force, effect, or value of.
- Attestor- a person who provides testimony or evidence.
- Attender- a person who attends an event or a function.
- Attendee- a person present at an event.
- Attestation- an act of attesting a fact, testimony, or evidence.
- Attache- a person assigned to serve in a specific capacity on a diplomatic mission.
- Attainment- the action or fact of achieving a goal toward which one has worked.
- Attractor- something that attracts or draws attention.
- Attune- make receptive or aware.
- Atweel- indeed, a Scots term for agreement or assent.
- Atwitter- excited; nervously agitated.
- Attackable- able to be attacked or assaulted.
- Attaboy- an expression of encouragement or approval.
- Attemper- bring into a suitable condition by blending or moderation.
- Attesting- serving as evidence or proof.
- Attempter- a person who attempts a task.
- Attendances- the acts of being present at events.
- Atticize- to conform to or imitate classical Attic Greek culture or style.
- Atticized- having been influenced by or made to conform to classical Attic Greek.
- Attachable- capable of being attached.
- Attachment- an extra part or extension that is or can be attached to something.
- Attender- someone who attends a meeting or event.
- Attending- the job or period of working as a doctor in a hospital.
- Attenuation- the reduction of the force, effect, or value of something.
- Attenuator- a device for decreasing the amplitude of electronic signals.
- Attestators- individuals who verify or bear witness.
- Attackers- those who attack someone or something.
- Attractant- a substance that draws animals or insects by emitting a particular odor or other stimulus.
- Attraction- the action or power of evoking interest in or liking for someone or something.
- Attractive- pleasing or appealing to the senses.
- Attributable- regarded as being caused or brought about by.
- Attributed- regard something as being caused by someone or something.
- Attributing- regarding something as being caused by someone or something.
- Attribution- the action of regarding something as being caused by a person or thing.
- Attributive- serving to attribute or denote an attribute.
- Attrit- to wear something down through constant friction or stress.
- Attritional- characterized by or causing attrition.
- Attuned- make or become adjusted or attuned.
- Attrite- sorrow for one’s sins that arises from a motive other than that of the love of God.
- Atwain- into two; in two.
- Atwitter- excited or nervous, especially in anticipation.
- Atypic- not typical.
- Atypicality- the quality or state of being atypical.
- Atones- makes reparations or amends for an offense or a mistake.
- Attritional warfare- military strategy marked by a wearing down of the enemy by continual losses in personnel and material.