In this article, you’ll discover a comprehensive list of words that start with “dem” to enhance your vocabulary or help answer your search query.
- Democracy- A system of government by the whole population.
- Demand- An insistent request made as if by right.
- Demolish- To destroy or ruin.
- Demonstrate- To show clearly or prove.
- Dementia- A disorder affecting mental processes like memory.
- Demographic- Referring to the structure of populations.
- Demote- To lower in rank or position.
- Demure- Reserved, modest, and shy.
- Demystify- Make a difficult subject clearer.
- Demography- The statistical study of populations.
- Demagogue- A political leader who seeks support by appealing to desires.
- Demeanor- Outward behavior or bearing.
- Demotic- Relating to the language used by ordinary people.
- Demolition- The act of destroying something.
- Demultiplex- To separate signals that have been multiplexed.
- Demonstrable- Clearly apparent or capable of being proven.
- Demonic- Of, resembling, or characteristic of demons.
- Demography- The study of population statistics.
- Demagnetize- To remove magnetism from a material.
- Demobilize- To disband troops or armies.
- Demented- Mad or insane.
- Demarcate- Set the boundaries or limits of.
- Dematerialize- To become immaterial; disappear.
- Demonize- To portray as wicked.
- Demoralize- To cause someone to lose confidence or hope.
- Demystify- To clarify or simplify.
- Demilitarize- To remove military forces from an area.
- Demeritorious- Someone deserving of disapproval.
- Demigod- A being with partial or lesser divine status.
- Demo- Short for demonstration or demolish.
- Demount- Remove from a mounted position.
- Demasculinize- To deprive of male characteristics.
- Define Democracy- The principles of democratic governance.
- Demagoguery- Political activity seeking support by appealing to desires.
- Demurrer- A legal objection.
- Demandant- One making a demand in legal pleadings.
- Demographically- In relation to the structure of populations.
- Demoralization- The process of losing confidence or hope.
- Dementedness- The state of being demented.
- Demise- Death or end of something.
- Demean- To cause a severe loss of dignity.
- Demonology- The study of demons.
- Demotivate- To lower someone’s motivation.
- Demiurge- A being responsible for the creation of the universe.
- Demulcent- A substance that relieves irritation.
- Demigoddess- A female demigod.
- Demission- Formal resignation.
- Demesne- Land attached to a manor.
- Demonstrator- A person who demonstrates something.
- Demagogy- Another term for demagoguery.
- Demoralized- Having lost confidence or hope.
- Demandable- That which can be demanded.
- Demographical- Pertaining to demography.
- Demoniac- A person believed to be possessed by a demon.
- Demulcent- Soothing, especially to the skin or mucous membrane.
- Demesnial- Relating to a demesne.
- Demodernize- To revert to a pre-modern state.
- Demarcation- The action of fixing the boundary or limits of something.
- Demobilization- The act of disbanding troops or armies.
- Demi- Prefix meaning half or partial.
- Demodulate- To extract the information from a modulated carrier wave.
- Demode- Out of fashion; outdated.
- Demolitionist- Person specializing in demolishing buildings.
- Deem- To regard or consider in a specified way.
- Demineralize- To remove minerals or mineral salts from.
- Democratize- To make accessible to everyone; to introduce democratic systems.
- Demonstrative- Tending to show feelings openly.
- Demountable- Capable of being dismounted.
- Demi- urge – Not commonly used; related to demiurge.
- Demodulated- Past tense of demodulate.
- Demagogism- The methods or practices of a demagogue.
- Demography- Detailed information about a particular population’s structure.
- Dermatitis- Inflammation of the skin.
- Demimondaine- A woman considered to be of doubtful social standing.
- Demagogy- Political method for gaining power by appealing to emotions.
- De- mademoiselle – To deprive of the title mademoiselle.
- Demodex- A genus of tiny mites.
- Demotion- Reduction to a lower grade or rank.
- Demissive- Reflecting humility.
- Demurely- In a reserved, modest, or shy manner.
- Demogenic- Related to the growth of populations.
- Demi- pliĆ© – A ballet term for a slight bending of the knees.
- Demi- brigade – A military unit made up of combined regiments.
- Demining- The removal of land mines.
- Demagnetization- The process of removing magnetism.
- Demonetize- To withdraw the value of a coin or metal.
- Democratically- In a way that resembles democracy.
- Demirep- A person whose reputation is doubtful.
- Demise- Transfer of property by lease or will.
- Demorphin- A type of peptide found in amphibians.
- Demisexual- One who experiences sexual attraction only after a close emotional bond.
- Demotivation- The reduction of motivation.
- Dematerialisation- The conversion of physical assets into digital form.
- Demoulinia- A genus of flowering plants.
- Demulce- To soothe or soften.
- Demersal- Of fish, living close to the floor of a sea.
- Demotoner- A device that reduces voltage in electrical circuits.
- Demirelief- Sculpture technique with a moderately projected figure.
- Demi- lune – A crescent-shaped fortification.
- Demijour- Half-day or relating to a short period.
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