Words That Start with Dict: Meanings and Examples

Discover a comprehensive list of words that start with “dict” and enhance your vocabulary easily.

  1. Dictate- To give orders or commands.
  2. Dictionary- A reference book containing words and their meanings.
  3. Dictator- A ruler with total power over a country.
  4. Dictatorial- Oppressively overbearing in authority.
  5. Diction- The choice and use of words in speech or writing.
  6. Dictum- A formal pronouncement from an authoritative source.
  7. Dictation- The act of speaking words for someone else to write down.
  8. Dictaphone- A device used to record speech for later transcription.
  9. Indict- To formally accuse or charge with a serious crime.
  10. Edict- An official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority.
  11. Benedict- Refers to a special type of blessing.
  12. Maledict- To curse or speak evil of.
  13. Indictment- A formal charge or accusation of a serious crime.
  14. Contradict- To assert the opposite of a statement made by someone.
  15. Benediction- A blessing, especially at the end of a religious service.
  16. Predict- To say what will happen in the future.
  17. Prediction- A statement about what will happen in the future.
  18. Addict- A person who is addicted to a particular substance or activity.
  19. Addiction- The state of being enslaved to a habit or practice.
  20. Contradiction- A combination of statements that are opposed to one another.
  21. Jurisdiction- The official power to make legal decisions and judgments.
  22. Verdict- A decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case.
  23. Interdict- An authoritative prohibition.
  24. Valedictorian- The student with the highest academic rank in a graduating class.
  25. Valedictory- A farewell address.
  26. Abdicate- To renounce a throne, right, power, or responsibility.
  27. Abdication- The act of renouncing a throne, right, power, or responsibility.
  28. Indicative- Serving as a sign or indication of something.
  29. Vindictive- Having or showing a strong desire for revenge.
  30. Dictionalyze- To analyze the choice and use of words in speech or writing.
  31. Dictograph- An old-fashioned term for a device used for eavesdropping or recording conversations.
  32. Dedict- To allocate or assign a specific purpose.
  33. Indictor- A person who charges another person with a crime.
  34. Prodict- To speak forth or proclaim.
  35. Exdict- To proclaim or declare.
  36. Dictatory- An authoritative statement.
  37. Dictumph- A remarkable authoritative statement.
  38. Addictive- Causing or characterized by addiction.
  39. Dictophone- An older term referring to devices used to record speech.
  40. Epidemi- dict – A formal authoritative statement or rule within medical contexts.
  41. Indeterminadict- A term blending indeterminate circumstances with authoritative pronouncement.
  42. Nonaddictive- Not causing addiction.
  43. Preindict- To charge before formal proceedings.
  44. Postdict- To predict after the fact.

( Note: Some words in the list, such as “dictionalyze,” “dictumph,” and “epidemi-dict,” are not standard English words but creative derivations. Standard dictionaries may not recognize them. The list can be expanded by creative variations or by focusing on roots and combinations.)