Discover a variety of words that start with “eb” to enhance your vocabulary and expand your language skills.
- Ebb- the movement of the tide out to sea.
- Ebon- a dark black color.
- Ebbing- gradually lessening or reducing.
- Ebony- a dense black hardwood.
- Ebonist- a worker in ebony.
- Ebonize- to stain wood to black, resembling ebony.
- Ebonized- having been treated to appear like ebony.
- Ebriate- to intoxicate.
- Ebonizing- the act of treating wood to resemble ebony.
- Ebonite- a hard, black variety of vulcanized rubber.
- Ebrious- pertaining to drunkenness.
- Eburate- of ivory; resembling ivory.
- Ebullient- overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement.
- Ebullition- a sudden outburst of emotion or violence.
- Ebullism- formation of bubbles in body fluids due to reduced environmental pressure.
- Eburnean- relating to or resembling ivory.
- Eburnation- the process of becoming like ivory, typically in bones.
- Ebriosity- habitual intoxication.
- Ebenezer- a commemoration of divine assistance.
- Eblaite- relating to the ancient city of Ebla.
- Ebonie- a variant of ebony.
- Ebroic- related to Ebro, a river in Spain.
- Ebonist’s- pertaining to a worker of ebony.
- Ebbet- a diminutive for Elizabeth.
- Ebayer- a person who uses eBay for buying or selling.
- Ebonizing- the process of making wood appear like ebony.
- Ebukidine- a fiery, incandescent.
- Ebulous- characteristic of boiling.
- Eblouis- a French word meaning dazzled or bedazzled.
- Eblouir- a French verb meaning to dazzle or bedazzle.
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