Discover a comprehensive list of words that begin with “ef” to enrich your vocabulary.
- Efface- to erase or remove
- Effect- a result or consequence
- Effective- successful in producing a desired result
- Effectively- in a way that produces a desired result
- Effectiveness- the degree to which something is successful
- Effeminate- showing traits traditionally associated with females
- Effendi- a title of respect in Middle Eastern countries
- Effervesce- to bubble or fizz
- Effervescent- lively or bubbly
- Effervescence- the quality of being bubbly or lively
- Efficient- achieving maximum productivity with minimum waste
- Efficiency- the state of being efficient
- Effigy- a sculpture or model of a person
- Effluent- liquid waste discharged into a river or the sea
- Effluvium- an unpleasant or harmful odor or discharge
- Effort- a vigorous or determined attempt
- Effortful- requiring effort or exertion
- Effortlessly- in a manner requiring no effort
- Effrontery- shameless boldness
- Effulgent- shining brightly, radiant
- Effusion- a pouring out of something
- Effusive- expressing feelings of gratitude or pleasure
- Effuse- to pour out
- Effeminacy- the condition of being effeminate
- Effervescently- in a lively or bubbly way