If you’re looking for words that start with “ev,” this article has compiled a comprehensive list to meet your needs.
- Evangelist- A person who seeks to convert others to the Christian faith.
- Evacuate- Remove people from a place of danger to a safer place.
- Evasion- The act of avoiding something, especially by deceit.
- Evaluate- To determine or fix the value of.
- Evolve- Develop gradually.
- Event- An occurrence or happening, especially one of significance.
- Evanescent- Quickly fading from sight or memory.
- Evict- Expel someone from a property, especially with support of the law.
- Evidence- The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
- Eviscerate- Remove the contents of (a body or an organ).
- Evanescence- The process of fading away or vanishing.
- Evaporate- Turn from liquid into vapor.
- Even- Equal in number or amount.
- Evaluation- The making of a judgment about the amount, number, or value of something.
- Evenly- In equal amounts or shares; in a balanced or impartial way.
- Eventually- In the end, especially after a long delay or series of problems.
- Evildoer- A person who commits profoundly immoral and wicked deeds.
- Evoke- Bring or recall to the conscious mind.
- Evangelism- The spreading of the Christian gospel by preaching or personal witness.
- Evergreen- Relating to or denoting a plant that retains green leaves throughout the year.
- Evident- Plain or obvious; clearly seen or understood.
- Evocation- The act of bringing or recalling a feeling, memory, or image to the conscious mind.
- Evert- To turn inside out or outwards.
- Evacuation- The act of removing people from a place of danger to a safer place.
- Evenhanded- Fair and impartial in treatment or judgment.
- Evangelize- Convert or seek to convert someone to Christianity.
- Eve- The day or period of time immediately before an event or occasion.
- Evictor- A person who evicts someone.
- Evidential- Serving as evidence or relating to evidence.
- Evaporation- The process of turning from liquid into vapor.
- Evasiveness- The quality of being evasive; tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation.
- Evenness- The state of being equal, fair, or balanced.
- Evisceration- The removal of the inner organs of a body.
- Evoker- One who brings something to mind or elicits a response.
- Eventual- Happening or existing at a later time or as a result.
- Evildoing- The act of doing something morally wrong or wicked.
- Evangelical- Of or according to the teaching of the gospel or the Christian religion.
- Evincible- Capable of being proved or demonstrated.
- Evacuator- A person or device that evacuates.
- Evitableness- The quality of being avoidable.
- Evolution- The gradual development of something.
- Evincible- Capable of being evinced or demonstrated clearly.
- Even- minded – Having or showing a fair, balanced, and unprejudiced mind.
- Evocable- Capable of being evoked or called forth.
- Evangelizer- One who preaches or promotes the gospel.
- Evadingly- In an evasive or avoidant manner.
- Eventide- The end of the day, evening.
- Evasively- In an avoiding or escaping manner.
- Evocative- Bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind.
- Evenness- Uniformity or equality in dimensions, quality, or effort.
- Evocator- One who evokes or calls forth.
- Even- keel – Stable or consistent in mood or behavior.
- Evincive- Serving to evince; indicative or demonstrative.
- Eventful- Marked by interesting or exciting events.
- Evacuative- Having the quality or function of evacuation.
- Evincible- Capable of being overcome or defeated.
- Evangely- Archaic term for the Christian gospel.
- Everlasting- Lasting forever or for a very long time.
- Evasionism- The doctrine or practice of evasion.
- Evaporative- Relating to or causing evaporation.
- Evocatory- Tending to evocation; bringing to mind.
- Eventuated- Happened as a result.
- Evacuee- A person evacuated, especially from a dangerous area.
- Eventide- The later part of the day; evening.
- Evincible- Capable of being evinced.
- Eversion- Turning outward.
- Evaporimeter- Instrument to measure the rate of evaporation.
- Evaporative- Relating to the process of becoming vapor.
- Eventuate- To occur as a result.
- Evenness- Quality of being flat or uniform.
- Evitability- The quality of being avoidable or escapable.
- Evenfall- The beginning of evening; dusk.
- Evocateur- One who calls forth memories or feelings.