Words That Start With Extra: List & Examples

This article provides a comprehensive list of words that start with “extra,” helping you expand your vocabulary effectively.

  1. Extraordinary- beyond what is usual or ordinary.
  2. Extraterrestrial- originating or located outside Earth.
  3. Extravagant- lacking restraint in spending money or using resources.
  4. Extract- remove or take out, especially by effort or force.
  5. Extraneous- irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with.
  6. Extrapolate- extend the application of a method or conclusion to an unknown situation.
  7. Extracurricular- pursued in addition to the normal course of study.
  8. Extremity- the furthest point or limit of something.
  9. Extravaganza- an elaborate and spectacular entertainment or production.
  10. Extraction- the action of taking out something, especially using effort or force.
  11. Extrude- shape (a material) by forcing it through a die.
  12. Extradite- hand over (a person accused or convicted of a crime) to the jurisdiction of the foreign state in which the crime was committed.
  13. Extrovert- an outgoing, socially confident person.
  14. Extrajudicial- (of a decision) not legally authorized.
  15. Extraocular- situated or occurring outside the eye.
  16. Extraterrestrial- originating or situated outside the earth’s atmosphere.
  17. Extraversion- the quality of being outgoing and directing attention towards others.
  18. Extraordinaire- remarkable or exceptional.
  19. Extramural- outside the walls or boundaries of a school, university, or other institution.
  20. Extracellular- situated or occurring outside a cell or cells.
  21. Extralegal- beyond the authority of the law; not regulated by the law.
  22. Extramarital- occurring outside of marriage.
  23. Extrasensory- outside or beyond the normal range of sensory perception.
  24. Extranuclear- situated or occurring outside the nucleus.
  25. Extrahepatic- situated or occurring outside the liver.
  26. Extraparental- beyond the scope of parental duties or norms.
  27. Extravagance- lack of restraint in spending money or resources.
  28. Extramoral- outside the bounds of morality.
  29. Extravasate- (of a liquid, especially blood) to flow out from a vessel into the surrounding tissue.
  30. Extra- axial – located or occurring outside the main axis of the body or an organ.
  31. Extranodal- situated or occurring outside of lymph nodes.
  32. Extrathoracic- situated or occurring outside the thorax.
  33. Extraerrestrial- based on life forms from outside Earth.
  34. Extraretinal- outside the retina.
  35. Extratemporal- situated or occurring outside the temporal bones or related to time outside the present moment.
  36. Extramedullary- situated or occurring outside the bone marrow.
  37. Extraperitoneal- situated or occurring outside the peritoneum.
  38. Extrado- the exterior curve or surface of an arch.
  39. Extrauterine- located or occurring outside the uterus.
  40. Extramarket- outside the normal market operations.
  41. Extraalimentary- outside the function or passage of the alimentary canal.
  42. Extraosseous- situated or occurring outside the bone.
  43. Extradermal- situated or occurring outside the skin.
  44. Extrabrain- located outside the brain.
  45. Extraindustrial- outside the scope of industrial activities.
  46. Extraprostatic- situated or occurring outside the prostate.
  47. Extrachromosomal- situated outside the chromosomes.
  48. Extraintestinal- located or occurring outside the intestines.
  49. Extraplacental- situated or occurring outside the placenta.
  50. Extramuscular- positioned or occurring outside the muscle.
  51. Extravascular- located or occurring outside the blood vessels.
  52. Extracapsular- situated or occurring outside a capsule, especially of the lens of an eye.
  53. Extranuclear- outside the nucleus of a cell.
  54. Extrachordal- situated outside the spinal cord.
  55. Extratemporal- beyond the bounds or limits of time.
  56. Extra- atmospheric – situated beyond or outside the atmosphere.
  57. Extrapancreatic- positioned or occurring outside the pancreas.
  58. Extraterritorial- beyond the territorial limits of a jurisdiction.
  59. Extra- atomic – located or occurring outside the atom.
  60. Extragalactic- situated outside our galaxy.
  61. Extramitochondrial- located outside the mitochondria.
  62. Extrapituitary- located or occurring outside the pituitary gland.
  63. Extraclassroom- occurring or situated beyond the classroom.
  64. Extragyrus- positioned outside the gyri of the brain.
  65. Extraconstitutional- beyond or outside the scope of the constitution.
  66. Extrareticulum- located outside the reticular formations.
  67. Extratoxic- related to or situated outside toxins or their effects.
  68. Extraribosomal- located or occurring outside the ribosomes.
  69. Extraglandular- situated or occurring outside the glands.
  70. Extracorti- beyond the cortex level.
  71. Extraorganic- located or occurring outside the organs.
  72. Extracorpuscular- located or situated outside the corpuscles or cells.
  73. Extranormal- beyond the usual or normal limits.
  74. Extranational- located outside the nation or country.
  75. Extracranial- situated or occurring outside the skull.
  76. Extrathalamic- located or occurring outside the thalamus.
  77. Extraspinal- situated or occurring outside the spine.
  78. Extraamniotic- situated or occurring outside the amniotic sac.
  79. Extravon- beyond conventional perception or location.
  80. Extrameatal- positioned or occurring outside the meatus (opening or passage).
  81. Extracephalic- located outside the head.
  82. Extracorpus- outside the physical body.
  83. Extra- airport – beyond the boundaries of an airport.
  84. Extramycological- beyond the scope of mycology (study of fungi).
  85. Extravolume- beyond usual volume or capacity.
  86. Extragerman- outside German borders or influence.
  87. Extraanimal- beyond typical animal characteristics.
  88. Extractive- related to or used in extraction processes.
  89. Extraclimate- beyond normal climate patterns or regions.
  90. Extra- character – beyond typical character traits.
  91. Extra- ion – existing beyond usual ions.
  92. Extraacademic- beyond academic environments or constraints.
  93. Extraemotional- beyond usual emotional limits or responses.
  94. Extrariver- beyond the river boundaries.
  95. Extrasight- beyond usual sight or vision capabilities.
  96. Extra- minute – beyond the usual minutes or minor measures.
  97. Extra- age – beyond typical age limits or expectations.
  98. Extra- land – beyond typical land usage or boundaries.
  99. Extra- electric – beyond common electrical characteristics.
  100. Extra- intellect – beyond usual intellectual capacities or scope.