Words That Start with Fe: Common Terms and FAQs

In this article, you’ll discover a comprehensive list of words that start with “fe.

  1. Fever – High body temperature.
  2. Fence – A barrier enclosing an area.
  3. Fetch – To go and bring back something.
  4. Feeble – Weak or frail.
  5. Female – A woman or girl.
  6. Feline – Relating to cats.
  7. Fern – A type of plant.
  8. Fetching – Attractive.
  9. Fellow – A companion or associate.
  10. Fetter – A chain for a prisoner’s feet.
  11. Fetish – An excessive devotion to something.
  12. Fervor – Intense passion or enthusiasm.
  13. Ferret – A small, domesticated mammal.
  14. Felony – A serious crime.
  15. Feint – A deceptive or pretended movement.
  16. Fecal – Relating to feces.
  17. Fertile – Capable of producing abundant vegetation.
  18. Feasible – Possible to do easily.
  19. Fender – A part of a car’s bodywork.
  20. Festival – A celebration or event.
  21. Fettered – Restrained or chained.
  22. Fester – To become infected.
  23. Felon – A person convicted of a serious crime.
  24. Feeble- minded – Lacking intelligence or reason.
  25. Ferocious – Fierce or violent.
  26. Felt – A type of fabric.
  27. Feudal – Relating to the social system in medieval Europe.
  28. Fescue – A type of grass.
  29. Felicity – Intense happiness.
  30. Festive – Joyous or celebratory.
  31. Ferment – To undergo chemical breakdown.
  32. Feign – To pretend or fake.
  33. Fervent – Showing intense passion.
  34. Fertilize – To make soil productive.
  35. Fealty – Sworn loyalty.
  36. Festered – Became infected.
  37. Fecund – Highly fertile.
  38. Federation – A group of states with a central government.
  39. Ferrous – Containing or related to iron.
  40. Feeler – An antenna used for sensing.
  41. Fetchingly – In an attractive manner.
  42. Feasible – Practical and possible.
  43. Feces – Bodily waste.
  44. Felicitous – Well- suited or apt.
  45. Festoon – To decorate with garlands.
  46. Feline – Catlike.
  47. Fervently – With intense passion.
  48. Fend – To defend or guard.
  49. Ferocity – Extreme fierceness.
  50. Fettering – Restraining with chains.
  51. Festivity – A celebration.
  52. Feckless – Lacking initiative or strength.
  53. Fetid – Having a foul odor.
  54. Fetcher – One who retrieves.
  55. Ferrule – A metal ring or cap.
  56. Fees – Payments for services.
  57. Femme – A woman.
  58. Feeler – A sensory organ.
  59. Fervid – Intensely enthusiastic.
  60. Fell – To cut down a tree.
  61. Ferry – A boat that transports people or goods.
  62. Feline – Characteristic of cats.
  63. Feud – A prolonged conflict.
  64. Festered – Became corrupt or rotten.
  65. Festal – Relating to a feast or festival.
  66. Ferrous – Made of iron.
  67. Feinting – Deceptive movement.
  68. Fertilizer – Substance added to soil.
  69. Ferrying – Transporting by boat.
  70. Feverish – Having a fever.
  71. Feasibly – Practically possible.
  72. Felled – Cut down.
  73. Fetlock – Joint in a horse’s leg.
  74. Fermenting – Undergoing fermentation.
  75. Fedora – A type of hat.
  76. Feminine – Qualities associated with women.
  77. Fetter – A restraint or restriction.
  78. Feedback – Information or responses.
  79. Feebleness – Weakness or frailty.
  80. Ferocity – Intense violence.
  81. Feathery – Light and delicate like a feather.
  82. Feckful – Efficient or effective.
  83. Femur – Thigh bone.
  84. Felonious – Relating to or involved in crime.
  85. Fervently – With great intensity.
  86. Felicitously – In a manner that is well- suited.
  87. Festering – Decaying or rotting.
  88. Fermentation – Chemical breakdown involving yeast or bacteria.
  89. Ferried – Transported by boat.
  90. Fenced – Enclosed with a barrier.
  91. Felted – To make into felt.
  92. Ferryboat – A boat for transporting people or goods.
  93. Feverishness – State of having a fever.
  94. Fecklessly – Ineffectively.
  95. Fetters – Chains or shackles.
  96. Feebling – Making weak.
  97. Fertilizing – Adding nutrients to soil.
  98. Fevered – Affected by fever.
  99. Fescue – A pointing stick for teaching.
  100. Fenced – Secured or protected with a fence.