Words That Start With Geo: A List for Educators and Students

Discover a variety of words that start with “geo,” each connecting to earth sciences and beyond.

  1. Geoanalytics- Analysis of data based on geographical or spatial factors.
  2. Geobios- Life or living organisms as influenced by geographic conditions.
  3. Geobotany- The study of the geographic distribution of plant species.
  4. Geochemistry- The science dealing with the earth’s chemical composition and processes.
  5. Geocentric- Representing or viewing the earth as the center, particularly in the solar system.
  6. Geochronology- The study of the age of geological periods as measured in years.
  7. Geocoding- The process of transforming a physical address description to a location on the Earth’s surface.
  8. Geocomposite- A synthetic material used in geotechnical engineering.
  9. Geoconsultant- A specialist who provides advice on geological and environmental issues.
  10. Geoculture- Cultural aspects that are influenced by geographical elements.
  11. Geode- A rock containing a cavity lined with crystals or another type of mineral matter.
  12. Geodesy- The science that deals with the measurement and representation of the Earth.
  13. Geodetics- The mathematics and techniques of geodesy.
  14. Geodynamics- The study of forces and processes that affect the Earth’s structure.
  15. Geofact- An object of natural material showing signs of human utilization or alteration.
  16. Geofencing- The use of GPS or RFID technology to create a virtual geographic boundary.
  17. Geogeny- The study of the formation of the Earth.
  18. Geoglyph- Large designs or motifs that are carved onto the ground.
  19. Geognosy- The science of the materials composing the Earth and their organization.
  20. Geographer- A scientist who studies geography.
  21. Geographic- Pertaining to geography.
  22. Geographical- Relating to the natural features, population, industries, etc., of a region.
  23. Geography- The science that deals with the Earth’s surface, climate, continents, people, and resources.
  24. Geohazard- A geological state that may lead to widespread damage or risk.
  25. Geohydrology- The branch of geology that deals with the distribution and movement of groundwater.
  26. Geojeopardy- A risk to the earth or ecological system.
  27. Geolocate- Determining the exact location of something on the Earth.
  28. Geology- The science that deals with the Earth’s physical structure and substance.
  29. Geomagnetism- The study of the Earth’s magnetic field.
  30. Geomancy- Method of divination that interprets markings on the ground or patterns formed by thrown handfuls of soil, rocks, or sand.
  31. Geomatics- The discipline of gathering, storing, processing, and delivering geographic information.
  32. Geomechanics- The branch of geology that applies physics to the study of geological problems.
  33. Geomembrane- A synthetic material used as an impermeable barrier to control fluid or gas migration in a project.
  34. Geomicrobiology- The study of the role of microbes in geologic and geochemical processes.
  35. Geomorphology- The study of the form and features of the Earth’s surface.
  36. Geonaut- A seafarer who navigates the geography of the seas.
  37. Geopark- A national protected area containing a number of geological heritage sites.
  38. Geophagy- The practice of eating earthy or soil-like substances.
  39. Geophysics- The physics of the Earth and its environment.
  40. Geopolitics- The study of the effects of geography (human and physical) on politics and international relations.
  41. Geoposition- The physical location of something on the Earth.
  42. Geoprofiling- Analyzing geographical locations associated with the spatial behavior of a subject.
  43. Georadar- Radar technology used to detect the presence and properties of objects or changes in the earth.
  44. Georeferencing- Relating data to geographic coordinates.
  45. Georgic- Relating to agriculture; a literary work dealing with agriculture.
  46. Geoscience- Sciences dealing with the planet Earth.
  47. Geosocial- Social interaction based on geographical information.
  48. Geosphere- The solid parts of the Earth.
  49. Geostationary- An orbit that allows a satellite to remain in the same position relative to the earth.
  50. Geostrophic- Referring to a type of wind that is affected by the Earth’s rotation.
  51. Geosynchronous- An orbit where a satellite’s orbital period matches the Earth’s rotation period.
  52. Geotagging- Adding geographical information to various media.
  53. Geotectonic- Relating to the structure of the earth’s crust.
  54. Geotemporal- Concerning both geographic and temporal variables.
  55. Geothermal- Pertaining to the heat of the Earth’s interior.
  56. Geotourism- Tourism that focuses on geological features.
  57. Geotraverse- A route across a section of the Earth for geological purposes.
  58. Geozone- A geographical area characterized by specific geological features.