In this article, you’ll find a comprehensive list of words that start with “gu” to enrich your vocabulary and enhance your language skills.
- Guard- To protect or watch over.
- Guess- To form an opinion without sufficient information.
- Guide- To show the way or lead.
- Guilt- A feeling of having done wrong or failed.
- Guitar- A stringed musical instrument.
- Gush- To flow out in a large quantity.
- Gust- A strong, brief burst of wind.
- Gummy- Sticky or adhesive.
- Guest- A visitor or someone who is invited.
- Gulf- A large sea inlet.
- Guzzle- To drink greedily or excessively.
- Guy- A man or boy.
- Guru- A spiritual teacher or guide in Hinduism.
- Gutter- A channel for carrying off rainwater.
- Gum- Soft tissue surrounding the teeth.
- Guile- Sly or cunning intelligence.
- Gusty- Characterized by strong winds.
- Guppy- A small freshwater fish.
- Gumption- Initiative or resourcefulness.
- Gurgle- To make a bubbling sound.
- Guano- Fertilizer containing excrement from seabirds.
- Gurney- A wheeled stretcher used in hospitals.
- Gulch- A narrow and steep-sided ravine.
- Gurn- To make a grotesque or funny face.
- Guava- A tropical fruit with pink flesh.
- Guillotine- A device for beheading.
- Gulag- A system of labor camps in the former Soviet Union.
- Gull- A type of seabird.
- Guilder- Former currency of the Netherlands.
- Guillotine- A device for beheading during the French Revolution.
- Gular- Relating to the throat or gullet.
- Guise- An external form or appearance.
- Guppy- A small tropical freshwater fish.
- Gullible- Easily deceived or tricked.
- Guerrilla- A member of a small independent group taking part in irregular fighting.
- Gustation- The act of tasting.
- Guelder- A type of shrub or tree.
- Gumshoe- A detective.
- Guipure- A type of lace.
- Gules- The heraldic color red.
- Guanaco- A South American mammal related to the llama.
- Gula- Gluttony.
- Gratuitous- Uncalled for or lacking good reason.
- Guacharo- A nocturnal bird native to Central and South America.
- Guachapori- A Peruvian festive bread.
- Guasa- Humor or fun in Spanish-speaking cultures.
- Guldir- Money or currency in some cultures.
- Gudgeon- A small freshwater fish.
- Guaiacum- A type of tree or its resin.
- Gueux- A term for beggars in French.
- GuachipelĂn- A type of tree found in Central America.
- GuamĂșchil- A tropical tree with edible fruit.
- Gurgitation- Rapid or forceful flowing.
- Guacamole- A mashed avocado dip.
- Guyliner- Eyeliner worn by men.
- Guggle- To gargle or make a bubbling sound.
- Guardrail- A barrier preventing vehicles from going off the road.
- Guangzhou- A city in southern China.
- Gubernatorial- Relating to a governor.
- Guavalina- A hybrid fruit of guava and catalina.
- Gulab- Rose in Persian and Arabic.
- Gurkha- A member of a Nepalese ethnic group renowned for their military prowess.
- Gurnsey- A breed of dairy cattle.
- Gusty- Full of or characterized by strong winds.
- Gulpy- Characterized by rapid or eager swallowing.
- Guider- One that shows the way or directs.
- Gutty- Full of courage or determination.
- Gurz- A type of traditional mace weapon.
- Guyline- A rope used to secure a tent or other structure.
- Gusset- A piece of material sewn into a garment to strengthen or enlarge it.
- Gurnard- A type of fish with a bony head and spiny fins.
- Gulfweed- A floating seaweed found in the Sargasso Sea.
- Gurgitation- Violent, noisy belching or bubbling.
- Gunwale- The upper edge of a boat’s side.
- Gusset- A material insertion in a seam to provide expansion or reinforcement.