Discover a comprehensive list of words that start with “hi” to enhance your vocabulary and language skills.
- Hiatus- a break or gap in continuity.
- Hickory- a type of tree with hard wood.
- Hidden- kept out of sight, concealed.
- Hideous- extremely ugly or unpleasant.
- Hierarchy- a system where people or things are ranked.
- High- above average in height.
- Highlight- to emphasize or make stand out.
- Hijack- to unlawfully seize control.
- Hilarity- extreme amusement.
- Hill- a naturally raised area of land.
- Hillock- a small hill.
- Hinge- a movable joint.
- Hint- a slight or indirect indication.
- Hippie- a person of unconventional appearance.
- Hire- to employ for wages.
- His- belonging to him.
- Hiss- a sharp sibilant sound.
- Histrionic- overly theatrical or dramatic.
- Historic- famous or important in history.
- History- the study of past events.
- Hive- a colony of bees.
- Hi- fi – high fidelity sound reproduction.
- Highway- a major road.
- Hip- the projecting bone of the pelvis.
- Hipster- a trendy, young person.
- Hiccough- an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm.
- Hide- to put or keep out of sight.
- Hijab- a head covering worn by some Muslim women.
- Hinder- to create difficulties.
- Hinge- a flexible device that allows pivoting.
- Hint- a small piece of information.
- Hippodrome- a stadium for horse racing.
- Hiking- walking in nature.
- Highborn- of noble birth.
- Highbrow- intellectual or rarefied in taste.
- Highlight- the most important part.
- Highland- an elevated region.
- Hind- situated at the back.
- Hinterland- remote or less developed areas.
- Hispid- bristly or covered with stiff hair.
- Hirsute- hairy.
- Histology- the study of tissues.
- Histamine- a compound involved in local immune responses.
- Histogram- a bar graph depicting frequency.
- Hilarity- humorousness.
- Highness- the state of being high.
- Hitch- a problem or delay.
- Hitherto- until now.
- Hives- an allergic skin condition.
- Highlighter- a felt-tip pen used to emphasize text.
- Hinter- someone or something that hints.
- Hippo- short for hippopotamus.
- Himalaya- a mountain range in Asia.
- Hijinks- boisterous or mischievous activities.
- Hives- itchy welts on the skin.
- Historicity- historical authenticity.
- Hisser- one who hisses.
- Hipcuous- common, ordinary.
- Hic- an involuntary sound made after drinking.
- Hibernal- pertaining to winter.
- Hibernating- spending the winter in a dormant state.
- Hibernate- to spend winter in a dormant condition.
- Hindered- to be obstructed or impeded.
- Hitherside- on or towards this side.
- Hibernaculum- a shelter occupied during the winter by a dormant animal.
- Hisself- nonstandard form of himself.
- Highfalutin- pompous or pretentious.
- Histogen- tissue formed during embryonic development.
- Histidine- an amino acid.
- Histoplasmosis- a fungal infection.
- Histone- a protein in the chromatin.
- Historiography- the writing of history.
- Histrionics- exaggerated dramatic behavior.
- Hireling- a person hired to do menial work.
- Highball- a cocktail served with soda.
- Hindbrain- lower part of the brainstem.
- Hithermost- nearest on this side.
- High- grade – of superior quality.
- High- speed – operating at high velocity.
- High- tech – involving advanced technology.
- Hybrid- something made from combining different elements.
- Highwayman- a robber who stole from travelers on the roads.
- High- strung – very nervous or sensitive.
- Hintersea- the sea area behind the coast.
- Hibiscus- a flowering plant.
- Hi- fi – short for high fidelity.
- Hightail- to move or travel quickly.
- Hiccough- another term for hiccup.
- High- handed – using power or authority without considering others.
- Hire- purchase – an installment plan for buying goods.
- Hitchhike- to travel by getting free rides.
- Hippocratic- relating to Hippocrates, the father of medicine.
- Hibernal- relating to winter.
- Hirsuteness- the quality of being hairy.
- Histogenesis- the formation and development of tissues.
- Heliport- a landing place for helicopters.
- High- rise – a tall building.
- Highwater- A condition of unusually high water in a river or lake.
- Hintercity- the urban hinterlands or the outskirts of a city.