Discover a wide variety of words starting with “mi” that can enrich your vocabulary and enhance your linguistic skills.
- Miasma- a highly unpleasant or unhealthy smell or vapor.
- Migrate- to move from one place to another, often temporarily.
- Mild- gentle or moderate in terms of force or effect.
- Milestone- a significant event or stage in the life, progress, or development of a person or society.
- Mimic- to imitate or copy someone or something, often to entertain.
- Minimize- to reduce something to the least possible amount or degree.
- Minor- lesser in importance, seriousness, or significance.
- Mint- a place where coins are made; also, in perfect condition, like new.
- Minute- extremely small; a period of time equal to sixty seconds.
- Miracle- an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws.
- Mirror- a reflective surface, now typically of glass coated with a metal amalgam, that reflects a clear image.
- Misalign- to place or arrange things wrongly in relation to each other.
- Mishap- an unlucky accident.
- Misjudge- to form a wrong opinion or conclusion about someone or something.
- Missile- a weapon designed to be sent in the direction of a target.
- Mission- an important assignment carried out for political, religious, or commercial purposes, typically involving travel.
- Mist- a cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth’s surface.
- Misty- full of or covered in mist.
- Mitigate- make less severe, serious, or painful.
- Mix- to combine or put together to form one substance or mass.
- Mingle- to mix or cause to mix together; to move freely around a place and engage with others.
- Miniature- a representation or image of something on a small or reduced scale.
- Minimal- of a minimum amount, quantity, or degree; negligible.
- Ministry- a governmental department headed by a minister.
- Mink- a small semi-aquatic carnivore with valuable fur, or the fur of this animal.
- Mineral- a solid, naturally occurring inorganic substance.
- Mind- the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel.
- Mince- to chop or grind something, especially meat, into small pieces.
- Midst- in the middle of.
- Midway- at or to the middle point of.
- Midnight- twelve o’clock at night.
- Mildew- a thin whitish coating consisting of minute fungal hyphae, growing on plants or damp organic material.
- Military- relating to or characteristic of soldiers or armed forces.
- Milk- an opaque white fluid rich in fat and protein, secreted by female mammals for the nourishment of their young.
- Millennium- a period of a thousand years.
- Miller- a person who owns or manages a mill, especially a flour mill.
- Million- the number equivalent to the product of a thousand and a thousand; 1,000,000.
- Mimosa- a tropical or subtropical tree or shrub that has sensitive leaves which fold when touched.
- Mingle- to combine or mix.
- Mini- something that is very small of its kind, often a smaller version of something else.
- Minimalist- involving minimalism, using the smallest range of materials and components possible.
- Minion- a follower or underling of a powerful person, especially a servile or unimportant one.
- Minnow- a small freshwater fish of the carp family, found in Europe and Asia.
- Minority- the smaller number or part, especially a number that is less than half.
- Minstrel- a medieval singer or musician, especially one who sang or recited lyrical or heroic poetry.
- Minty- having the flavor, aroma, or characteristic of mint.
- Minuet- a slow, stately ballroom dance for two in triple time, popular especially in the 18th century.
- Mirth- amusement, especially as expressed in laughter.
- Misapply- use (something) in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose.
- Mischievous- causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way.
- Miscue- a mistake, especially a missed stroke in sports.
- Misdeed- a wicked or illegal act.
- Miser- a person who hoards wealth and spends as little money as possible.
- Misfortune- bad luck or an unlucky event.
- Misgiving- a feeling of doubt or apprehension about the outcome or consequences of something.
- Mislead- to cause (someone) to have a wrong idea or impression.
- Mismatch- a combination that does not match or fit well.
- Misnomer- a wrong or inaccurate name or designation.
- Misperception- a mistaken thought, impression, or understanding.
- Missionary- a person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country.
- Missive- a letter, especially a long or official one.
- Mistake- an act or judgment that is misguided or wrong.
- Mister- a conventional title of respect for a man, prefixed to the name.
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