Words That Start with Nat: Definitions and Examples

If you’re looking for words that start with “nat,” this article will provide you with a comprehensive list to enhance your vocabulary.

  1. Native – Original to a place.
  2. Natural – Found in nature.
  3. Nature – The physical world.
  4. National – Relating to a nation.
  5. Nationwide – Across the whole country.
  6. Nativity – Birth, especially of Jesus.
  7. Nurture – Care for and encourage growth.
  8. Naturist – Person who practices nudism.
  9. Natal – Relating to birth.
  10. Natality – Birthrate.
  11. Natant – Floating in water.
  12. Natron – A naturally occurring salt.
  13. Naturalize – Admit to citizenship.
  14. Nationalism – Patriotic feeling.
  15. Nationalize – Transfer to national control.
  16. Nativism – Policy of favoring native inhabitants.
  17. Nationality – Belonging to a particular nation.
  18. Naturalness – Being natural.
  19. Naturalist – An expert in natural history.
  20. Naturally – In a natural manner.
  21. Natatorial – Adapted for swimming.
  22. Nationalist – Person advocating for national independence.
  23. Naturopathy – Treatment with natural methods.
  24. Nationality – Identity with a particular nation.
  25. Nationalism – Advocacy of political independence for a particular country.
  26. Natter – To chatter.
  27. Nativity – The occasion of being born.
  28. Natty – Smart and fashionable.
  29. Naturalization – The process of becoming a citizen.
  30. Naturism – Nudism.
  31. Nativeness – The quality of being native.
  32. Natured – Having a specified nature.
  33. Natives – Original inhabitants.
  34. Natrolite – A mineral.
  35. Natatorial – Relating to swimming.
  36. Natatorium – Indoor swimming pool.
  37. Natively – In a native manner.
  38. Nationhood – Being recognized as a nation.
  39. Nates – Buttocks.
  40. Natch – Naturally.
  41. Nationalistic – Advocating for national interests.
  42. Natheless – Nevertheless.
  43. Natrix – A genus of snakes.
  44. Naturalize – To adapt or acclimate.
  45. Naturals – Naturally talented individuals.
  46. Naticoid – Resembling a marine gastropod mollusk.
  47. Nattily – In a neat and stylish manner.
  48. Natrolite – A type of zeolite mineral.
  49. Nationalizer – Someone who nationalizes.
  50. Naturalizer – Someone who makes something natural.
  51. Natatoriums – Large swimming pools.
  52. Naturewise – In terms of nature.
  53. Natant – Swimming freely.
  54. Natatorial – Pertaining to swimming.
  55. Nativistic – Relating to nativism.
  56. Nationalizer – One who makes national.
  57. Nationalities – Different nation groups.
  58. Nationwide – Extending across the nation.
  59. Naturally- gifted – Possessing natural talent.
  60. Naturalendowment – Gifted naturally.
  61. Natura – Essential qualities in life.
  62. Naturalbour – Related to birth naturally.
  63. Naturebloom – Natural flourish or bloom.
  64. Natrums – Naturally occurring salt substances.
  65. Naturopath – A practitioner of naturopathy.
  66. Navbar – Website navigation bar.
  67. Nate – Polite form of Nathan.
  68. Naticine – Relating to Natica genus.
  69. Natheless – Despite everything.
  70. Natation – Swimming.
  71. Nativedye – Natural dye source.
  72. Natuary – Place of natural wonders.
  73. Naturnature – Balance of natural elements.
  74. Naturaltalent – Innate ability.
  75. Navel – The central point.
  76. Navvy – Manual laborer.
  77. Natuan – Pertaining to natural light.
  78. Natan – “Gift from God” in Hebrew.
  79. Natanalyze – To analyze naturally.