If you’re looking for a list of words that start with “ob,” you’re in the right place—we’ll give you exactly what you need!
- Obdurate- Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion.
- Obedient- Willing to comply with orders or requests.
- Obese- Extremely overweight.
- Obfuscate- To render obscure or unintelligible.
- Objection- An expression of disapproval or opposition.
- Objective- Not influenced by personal feelings; unbiased.
- Obligatory- Required by a legal, moral, or other rule.
- Oblige- Make (someone) legally or morally bound to do something.
- Obliterate- Destroy utterly; wipe out.
- Oblivion- The state of being unaware or unconscious.
- Obnoxious- Extremely unpleasant.
- Obscene- Offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality.
- Obscure- Not well known; dim.
- Obsequious- Excessively obedient or attentive.
- Obsession- An idea or thought that continually preoccupies the mind.
- Obsidian- A hard, dark, glass-like volcanic rock.
- Obsolete- No longer produced or used; out of date.
- Obstacle- A thing that blocks one’s way.
- Obstinate- Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion.
- Obstruct- To block or hinder.
- Obtain- To acquire or secure.
- Obtrusive- Noticeable or prominent in an unwelcome way.
- Obviate- Remove a need or difficulty.
- Obverse- The side of a coin or medal bearing the head or principal design.
- Obviating- Preventing or eliminating.
- Obelisk- A stone pillar with a rectangular cross-section.
- Oblong- Having an elongated shape.
- Obstructive- Causing or tending to cause obstruction.
- Obduracy- Stubbornness.
- Obelize- To mark or point out something as doubtful in quality.
- Obscurantism- The practice of deliberately preventing facts from becoming known.
- Obliquity- Divergence from moral conduct.
- Oblation- Something offered to God or a god.
- Obliged- Feeling or expressing thankfulness.
- Obturate- To stop up; close.
- Obliterate- To remove all traces of.
- Objectify- To treat a person as an object.
- Obstipation- Severe constipation.
- Oblivious- Unaware or not concerned about what is happening around one.
- Obligingly- In a manner willing to do a service or kindness.
- Obstructively- In a manner that blocks or hinders.
- Obtrusion- The act of forcing something in without invitation.
- Obdurately- In a stubborn manner.
- Obediently- In an obedient manner.
- Obfuscation- The act of making something unclear or unintelligible.
- Obsolescence- The process of becoming obsolete.
- Obsessively- In a manner involving an obsession.
- Obnoxiousness- The quality of being annoying or offensive.
- Observantly- In a manner that pays close attention.
- Obsessed- Preoccupied with or constantly thinking about a thought or idea.
- Obtainment- The act of obtaining something.
- Obtrusively- In a way that is noticeable or prominent in an unwelcome manner.
- Obfuscatory- Tending to make obscure or unclear.
- Obturating- Stopping up or closing.
- Obnubilate- To darken, dim, or obscure.
- Obligee- A person to whom another is bound by a contract.
- Obsess- To completely fill the mind or thoughts.
- Obtrude- To become noticeable in an unwelcome way.
- Obnubilating- Causing to be obscured or darkened.
- Obstinacy- The quality of being stubborn or difficult to manage.
- Obsessedness- The state of being obsessed.
- Obligatorily- In a mandatory manner.
- Oblongate- To elongate or extend oblongly.
- Obnoxiously- In an unpleasant or offensive manner.
- Observational- Pertaining to the act of observing.
- Obsolescent- Becoming obsolete; going out of use.
- Obdurateness- The state or quality of being stubborn.
- Obfuscatory- Serving to obscure or confuse.
- Obstetric- Relating to childbirth.
- Obruptly- In a manner that is abrupt.
- Obvolute- Rolled or turned in, especially with edges overlapping.
- Obdormition- The state of being asleep.
- Objectless- Without an object or purpose.
- Oblectation- Amusement or pleasure.
- Oblate- Spherical but slightly flattened at the poles.
- Obconical- Having a shape like an inverted cone.
- Obiections- Outdated form of “objections.”
- Obfirmate- To confirm or make firm.
- Obirrate- To provoke or anger.
- Obtent- An outdated term for a powerful argument or plea.
- Obsecration- A solemn entreaty.
- Obumbrate- To overshadow or obscure.
- Obispondyli- An extinct group of Jurassic fish.
- Obversion- The act of turning something to the opposite.
- Obstipate- To be amazed or astonished.
- Oblational- Relating to or done as an offering.
- Obfore- To present or place before.
- Obdormition- Falling asleep.
- Objector- A person who expresses objection.
- Obnoxity- An offense; an objectionable thing.
- Obvete- To meet or accomplish.
- Obvincibly- Convincingly or evidently.
- Obambulance- The act of walking about.
- Oblect- To delight or please.
- Obdormitious- Tending to sleep.
- Obtend- To assert or declare.
- Obvection- The spreading of something, typically disease.
- Oblivescence- The tendency to be forgotten.
- Obreption- The act of obtaining something by deceit.
- Obversely- On the other hand; conversely.