In this article, you will find a comprehensive list of words that start with “of” to enhance your vocabulary and language skills.
- Off- away or distant
- Offer- to present or propose
- Office- a place of work
- Officer- a person holding a position of authority
- Official- authorized or approved
- Offline- not connected to the internet
- Offload- to unload or get rid of
- Offspring- a person’s child or children
- Offset- to counterbalance or compensate
- Offbeat- unusual or unconventional
- Offend- to cause displeasure or insult
- Offensive- causing displeasure or harm
- Offhand- casual or informal
- Offshore- located at sea away from the coast
- Offshoot- a branch or derivative
- Offside- positioned illegally in sports
- Offset- to balance or counteract
- Offstage- not on the performance stage
- Overlook- to fail to notice or consider
- Oversee- to supervise or manage
- Overcome- to conquer or defeat
- Overjoy- to fill with great joy
- Overload- to burden excessively
- Overhear- to hear by accident
- Overlap- to extend over and cover a part of
- Overflow- to spill over the top
- Oversee- to watch over and direct
- Overshadow- to cast a shadow over
- Overstep- to go beyond a limit
- Overcook- to cook too long
- Overwhelm- to overpower or crush
- Overweight- having excessive weight
- Overwork- to work too hard
- Overturn- to turn over
- Overflow- exceed capacity
- Overgrown- grown excessively
- Overseen- watched over
- Overachieve- do beyond expectations
- Overreact- respond excessively
- Overestimate- assess too highly
- Overrate- to overvalue
- Overture- an introduction to something more substantial
- Overwrought- extremely agitated
- Overdraft- deficit in a bank account
- Overdrive- an extra high gear in a motor vehicle
- Overeager- excessively eager
- Overqualified- having more qualifications than necessary
- Overlap- to coincide partly
- Overripe- too ripe
- Overestimate- gauge too high
- Overhaul- to thoroughly examine or repair
- Overwhelm- overpower emotionally
- Overcome- to prevail
- Overconfident- excessively confident
- Overseas- beyond the sea
- Overdue- not done in time
- Overjoyed- extremely happy
- Overshoot- exceed a target
- Overdraft- bank account deficit
- Overindulge- to allow too much of something
- Overproduce- produce more than needed
- Overshadow- to dominate
- Overturn- reverse a decision
- Overrule- declare null and void
- Overpass- roadway above another road
- Oversleep- sleep too long
- Overexpose- expose too much
- Overrun- exceed expected limit
- Oversee- manage activities
- Overture- introductory act
- Overocean- across the ocean
- Overflowed- spilled over
- Overdriven- driven too hard
- Overbalance- exceed in weight
- Overcloud- cover with clouds
- Overspilled- spilled over
- Overriding- more important
- Overage- beyond the normal age
- Overaction- overly dramatic acts
- Overmount- exceed height or amount
- Overissue- issue beyond limit
- Overzealous- too enthusiastic
- Overvalue- value too highly
- Overexert- exert too much effort
- Overflow- to exceed confines
- Overfilled- filled too much
- Oversaturate- saturate too much
- Overbrim- to overflow
- Overgrow- to grow too much
- Overhear- hear accidentally
- Overpaid- paid in excess
- Overreact- respond with undue emotion
- Overfull- too full
- Overripe- past optimal ripeness
- Overrun- to spread over
- Overwind- wind too tightly
- Overthink- think too much
- Overwork- work excessively
- Overweight- excess mass
- Overrefine- refine too much