This article provides a comprehensive list of words that start with “ri” to help enrich your vocabulary and understanding.
- Ribald- Vulgar or indecent in speech.
- Ridable- Capable of being ridden.
- Ridge- A long, narrow elevation of land.
- Ridicule- To mock or make fun of.
- Rift- A crack, split, or breach.
- Rig- To assemble or set up equipment.
- Right- Morally good or justified.
- Rigid- Stiff and unyielding.
- Rigorous- Extremely thorough and accurate.
- Rile- To irritate or annoy.
- Rim- The outer edge of an object.
- Rind- The tough outer layer of certain fruits.
- Ring- A small circular band.
- Rinse- To wash or clean lightly.
- Riot- A violent disturbance by a crowd.
- Rip- To tear or cut something quickly.
- Ripple- A small wave on the surface of water.
- Rise- To move from a lower position to a higher one.
- Risk- Exposure to danger or harm.
- Riser- A vertical part of a step.
- Rite- A formal or ceremonial act.
- Ritual- A prescribed order of performing ceremonies.
- Rival- A person competing for the same goal as another.
- River- A large natural flow of water.
- Rivet- To fasten or fix firmly.
- Rich- Wealthy or abundant.
- Rid- To clear of something unwanted.
- Riddle- A puzzling question or problem.
- Rice- A cereal grain.
- Ricochet- To bounce off a surface.
- Ripe- Fully grown and ready to eat.
- Risky- Involving potential danger.
- Rivulet- A small stream of water.
- Rigidly- In a strict manner.
- Ribbon- A long, narrow strip of fabric.
- Ricotta- A soft Italian cheese.
- Rigor- Harsh inflexibility in opinion or action.
- Ringing- The sound generated by something resonating.
- Rights- Entitlements or freedoms.
- Rindless- Without a hard outer layer.
- Riches- Wealth or valuable resources.
- Rippled- Formed with small waves.
- Riseable- Capable of rising.
- Ripcord- A cord pulled to release a parachute.
- Rickets- A disease caused by vitamin D deficiency.
- Ridgepole- The horizontal beam at the top of a roof.
- Ricebran- The outer layer of the rice grain.
- Ringlet- A small curl of hair.
- Ribbing- Light teasing.
- Rivalry- Competition for the same objective.
- Ritzy- Luxuriously elegant.
- Riposte- A quick return thrust in fencing.
- Rightsize- To adjust to an appropriate size.
- Righteous- Morally right or justifiable.
- Riveting- Completely engrossing or absorbing.
- Richly- In an abundant manner.
- Rindless- Lacking an outer covering.
- Ribosome- A complex molecule involved in protein synthesis.
- Ringmaster- The director of a circus.
- Ringworm- A fungal infection of the skin.
- Rigorism- Strict adherence to a code.
- Ritualize- To make into a ritual.
- Riff- A short, repeated phrase in music.
- Rinseable- Capable of being rinsed.
- Riverbed- The bottom of a river channel.
- Riparian- Relating to the banks of a river.
- Righteousness- The quality of being morally right.
- Rigmarole- A lengthy and complicated procedure.
- Ristretto- A short shot of espresso.
- Risk- free – Without any risk.
- Riveter- A person who inserts rivets.
- Ridership- The passengers of a mode of transport.
- Rivaling- Competing with another.
- Rigorist- A person who imposes strict standards.
- Rippling- Moving in a wave-like manner.
- Riverscape- A view or scene of a river.
- Ripening- Becoming ready to eat.
- Ridged- Having a raised strip or line.
- Rindful- Full of rind.
- Ribboning- Forming into or resembling ribbons.
- Ringing- Making a resonant sound.
- Ritefully- In a manner of performing rites.
- Rive- To split or tear apart violently.
- Rivetingly- In a way that commands full attention.
- Riskiness- The quality of involving potential danger.
- Righteously- In a morally right or justifiable manner.
- Ribboned- Decorated with ribbons.
- Ringer- A person who frequently identifies or points out flaws.
- Riveal- To tear open.
- Rinser- A tool or machine used for rinsing.
- Ripefulness- The state of being fully mature or ready.
- Riddlelike- Resembling a puzzle.
- Rivaless- A female competitor.
- Ritard- A gradual slowing down in music.
- Risible- Provoking laughter.
- Riskful- Full of risk.
- Ringingly- In a clear resonant manner.
- Ridder- A person who gets rid of something.
- Richening- Making richer.
- Riviera- A coastal region known for its scenery and mild climate.
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