Words That Start with Sl: Extensive List and Examples

Looking for a comprehensive list of words that start with “sl”? You’ve come to the right place—here’s an extensive collection to enhance your vocabulary.Slide, slick, slope, slant, slip, slam, sling, slew, slit, slum, slump, slosh, slay, slash, sliver, slather, sledge, sleet, slender, sleepy, sleigh, sleazy, sleeve, sloth, slogan, sleuth, slalom, slander, slumber, slink, slake, sludge, slime, slouch, sluttish, slurp, slantwise, slouchy, sly, slough, slamp, slinkier, slathery, slumbrous, slappy, slunk, slaughter, slattern.

  1. Slab – a flat, thick piece of material
  2. Slacker – a person who evades work or responsibility
  3. Slalom – skiing between poles or obstacles
  4. Slam – close forcefully
  5. Slammer – jail
  6. Slant – inclined or biased
  7. Slap – hit with an open hand
  8. Slash – cut with a sweeping motion
  9. Slate – a fine- grained rock or a notepad of scheduled events
  10. Slather – spread thickly
  11. Slaughter – kill in large numbers
  12. Slave – a person owned by another
  13. Slaw – shredded cabbage salad
  14. Sleaze – disreputable behavior
  15. Sled – a vehicle for traveling over snow
  16. Sledge – a heavy, large hammer or sleigh
  17. Sleek – smooth and glossy
  18. Sleep – a natural rest state
  19. Sleigh – a vehicle pulled by horses over snow
  20. Sleight – the use of dexterity
  21. Slept – past tense of sleep
  22. Sleuth – detective
  23. Slice – a thin, broad piece cut from something
  24. Slick – smooth and glossy; sly
  25. Slide – move smoothly along a surface
  26. Slight – small in degree or importance
  27. Slim – slender
  28. Slimy – covered with slime
  29. Slink – move quietly and secretively
  30. Slip – lose one’s footing, or a small mistake
  31. Slipper – a comfortable, casual shoe
  32. Slippery – difficult to hold or stand on
  33. Slit – a long, narrow opening
  34. Sliver – a small, thin piece split from something
  35. Slob – a messy or lazy person
  36. Slog – work hard over a period of time
  37. Slope – a surface of which one end is higher than the other
  38. Sloppy – careless and untidy
  39. Slot – a narrow opening
  40. Sloth – a slow- moving mammal or laziness
  41. Slouch – stand or sit in a lazy, drooping way
  42. Slough – shed or remove, or a swampy area
  43. Slump – fall or sink heavily
  44. Slur – speak indistinctly or an insulting remark
  45. Slush – partially melted snow or ice
  46. Small – not large in size
  47. Smarmy – excessively flattering
  48. Smell – to perceive an odor through the nose
  49. Smelt – to extract metal; a type of fish
  50. Smile – a facial expression of happiness
  51. Smirk – a smug or conceited smile
  52. Smite – strike with a heavy blow
  53. Smoke – the visible vapor from burning material
  54. Smolder – burn slowly without flames
  55. Smooth – having an even surface
  56. Smother – suffocate or cover thickly
  57. Smudge – a smeared mark
  58. Smug – overly confident or self- satisfied
  59. Snail – a slow, shelled mollusk
  60. Snake – a limbless reptile
  61. Snack – a small portion of food
  62. Sneak – move stealthily
  63. Sneeze – expel air from the nose forcefully
  64. Snide – mocking or malicious
  65. Sniff – draw air through the nose
  66. Snob – a person who looks down on others
  67. Snooze – a short sleep
  68. Snore – breathe noisily during sleep
  69. Snout – the projecting nose of an animal
  70. Snow – frozen precipitation
  71. Snub – to ignore or reject
  72. Snuggle – settle or move into a warm, comfortable position
  73. Snipe – a type of bird or make critical remarks
  74. Snare – a trap for catching animals
  75. Snappy – quick and energetic
  76. Sneer – a mocking or scornful look
  77. Snappy – stylish and smart
  78. Snip – to cut quickly with scissors
  79. Snazzy – stylish and attractive
  80. Sneaky – secretive and dishonest
  81. Snug – comfortably warm and cozy
  82. Snub- nosed – having a short, broad nose
  83. Sneezy – prone to sneezing
  84. Snazzy – stylish and attractive
  85. Snowstorm – a heavy fall of snow with high winds
  86. Snowflake – a single ice crystal
  87. Snowbound – unable to leave due to heavy snow
  88. Snowdome – a small ornament containing a model and liquid
  89. Snowmobile – a vehicle for traveling on snow
  90. Snowshoe – a device worn to walk on snow
  91. Snowball – a ball made of snow
  92. Snowcap – the snow- covered peak of a mountain
  93. Snowfall – the amount of snow that falls
  94. Snowplow – a vehicle for clearing snow
  95. Snowcreep – the slow downhill movement of snow
  96. Sneakness – the quality of being stealthy and sly