Looking for words that start with “spec”? Here’s a comprehensive list to enhance your vocabulary!
- Speculate- Form a theory without firm evidence.
- Spectacular- Impressive, stunning.
- Spectacle- A visually striking display.
- Spectator- An observer, especially at an event.
- Spectrum- A range of different things.
- Specific- Clearly defined or identified.
- Specimen- An example or sample.
- Specious- Misleadingly attractive.
- Specter- A ghost or phantom.
- Speculate- Engage in risky financial transactions.
- Speculative- Based on conjecture, not evidence.
- Spectrometry- Measurement of spectra.
- Spectroscope- Instrument for viewing spectra.
- Speciation- Formation of new species.
- Speculum- Medical instrument for examination.
- Spectrogram- Visual representation of a spectrum.
- Spectrograph- Device that records spectra.
- Special- Distinct, unique, or specific.
- Specialist- An expert in a particular field.
- Specialize- Focus on a particular area.
- Specification- Detailed description.
- Speculative- Based on guesswork.
- Spectrophotometer- Measure the intensity of light.
- Spectrophotometric- Measuring light intensity.
- Spectrophotometry- The study of light intensity measurements.
- Spectroscopic- Related to spectroscopy.
- Spectrometry- The science of measuring spectra.
- Specular- Mirror-like reflection.
- Spectrometry- Technique for measuring light spectra.
- Spectroradiometer- Measures the spectral power distribution.
- Spectrometric- Pertaining to spectrometry.
- Spectrometrist- A person who specializes in spectrometry.
- Speculative- Relating to contemplation or conjecture.
- Spectrophobia- Fear of mirrors or reflected images.
- Spectrometry- The analytic method of light analysis.
- Speculator- A person who speculates.
- Spectacles- Eyeglasses.
- Specifiable- Able to be specified.
- Specify- State clearly and in detail.
- Speciosity- The quality of being specious.
- Spectrin- A cytoskeletal protein.
- Spectinomycin- An antibiotic used to treat infections.
- Speculating- Engaging in speculation.
- Specialism- Emphasis on or expertise in a particular subject.
- Speciality- Another spelling of specialty.
- Spectrofluorometer- Measures fluorescence spectra.
- Spectrometric- Pertaining to spectrometry.
- Specularly- In a mirror-like manner.
- Speculativeness- The trait of being speculative.
- Spectrochemical- Analysis using spectroscopy.
- Speculatively- In a speculative manner.
- Spectrophotometry- Quantitative measurement of light absorption.
- Spectrography- Technique of recording spectra.
- Specialization- Adapting to a specific function.
- Speculator- A person who trades for profit.
- Specialization- Focusing on a narrow area of knowledge.
- Speck- A tiny spot.
- Spectator- Observer of an event.
- Spectrometry- Method to analyze spectra.
- Speculate- Think about deeply and theorize.
- Speciousness- Deceptive attractiveness.
- Spectre- A variant spelling of specter.
- Specifics- Details or particulars.
- Speculum- Reflecting mirror or surgical tool.
- Spectrographically- By means of spectrography.
- Specularities- Quality of being specular.
- Spectroscopies- Various forms of spectroscopy.
- Speckle- A small spot.
- Spectrometers- Devices that measure light spectra.
- Spectrologically- In terms of spectrum analysis.
- Speculatively- Done based on conjecture.
- Specify- To state in detail.
- Spectrifying- Transforming into a spectrum of light.
- Spectrin- Structural protein in cells.
- Spectrinopathy- Disease related to spectrin.
- Specifical- Peculiar to something.
- Spectroheliograph- Instrument to photograph the sun.
- Speciality- Specific area of expertise.
- Speciological- Pertaining to species study.
- Spectator- One who watches an event.
- Specular- Like a mirror in reflecting light.
- Specialist- An expert in a certain area.
- Specious- Seemingly plausible but false.
- Spectroscopical- Related to spectroscopy.
- Spectroscopically- Analyzing through spectroscopy.
- Specificity- Quality of being specific.
- Specificize- To make specific.
- Spectrochemical- Related to chemical analysis by spectroscopy.
- Spectern- Dense, dark, ghostly appearance.
- Specularize- To make something mirror-like.
- Speculisms- Philosophical speculations.
- Spectrum- Entire range of wavelengths.
- Speculative- Containing conjecture rather than knowledge.
- Spectroscopies- Techniques in analyzing spectra.
- Spectropolarimeter- Measures polarization of light spectra.
- Specialties- Specific areas of focus or expertise.
- Specialists- People with expert knowledge in specific areas.
- Specularization- Process of making something shiny.
- Specterlike- Resembling a ghost.
- Spectrohelioscope- Instrument to observe the solar spectrum.