Words that Start with Sr: Unique English Vocabulary List

In this article, you’ll learn about unique words that start with the letters “sr,” enhancing your vocabulary with some distinctive additions.

  1. Sri- Honorific term used in Indian languages, similar to “Mr.”
  2. Sriracha- A type of hot sauce named after the coastal city of Si Racha in Thailand.
  3. Sraddha- Hindu rites performed for the peace of the soul of a deceased family member.
  4. Sringara- One of the nine emotions in traditional Indian arts, depicting love and beauty.
  5. Srinagar- The summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir in India.
  6. Srishti- Means creation or universe in Sanskrit.
  7. Srivatsa- An ancient Indian symbol of fertility and luck, often associated with the god Vishnu.
  8. Sri Lanka- Island country in South Asia, located in the Indian Ocean.

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