This article provides a comprehensive list of words that start with “st” to enhance your vocabulary and writing.
- Stable- A building for horses.
- Stack- A neat pile.
- Stadium- An arena for sports and events.
- Staff- A group of employees.
- Stage- A platform for performing.
- Stain- A mark that is hard to remove.
- Stair- A step or set of steps.
- Stake- A wooden or metal post.
- Stale- No longer fresh.
- Stalk- The main stem of a plant.
- Stall- A small booth or compartment.
- Stamp- A small piece of paper for postage.
- Stand- To be in an upright position.
- Star- A luminous point in the sky.
- Start- To begin.
- State- A region with a government.
- Static- Lacking movement or change.
- Station- A place for trains or buses.
- Statue- A carved or cast figure.
- Status- Current situation or standing.
- Stay- To remain in one place.
- Stead- The place or position of someone.
- Steady- Firmly fixed, constant.
- Steak- A slice of meat.
- Steal- To take without permission.
- Steam- Water vapor.
- Steel- A strong metal alloy.
- Steep- Having a sharp incline.
- Steer- To direct the course.
- Stem- The main axis of a plant.
- Step- A movement made by lifting the foot.
- Stereo- A sound system.
- Stern- Serious and strict.
- Stick- A thin piece of wood.
- Still- Motionless, or nevertheless.
- Sting- A sharp pain caused by a stinger.
- Stink- A strong, unpleasant smell.
- Stir- To mix by moving around.
- Stock- Goods kept for sale.
- Stone- A small piece of rock.
- Stool- A seat with no back.
- Stop- To cease movement.
- Store- A place to buy things.
- Storm- Severe weather condition.
- Story- A narrative or account.
- Stove- A device for cooking.
- Strain- To exert to the utmost.
- Strand- A single thin length.
- Strap- A strip of material.
- Straw- Dried stalks of grain.
- Street- A public road.
- Stress- Mental or emotional strain.
- Stretch- To extend or expand.
- Strict- Demanding obedience.
- Strike- To hit or attack.
- String- A thin cord.
- Strip- A long, narrow piece.
- Stripe- A long narrow band.
- Stroke- A sudden medical condition.
- Strong- Having great physical power.
- Struck- Past tense of strike.
- Struggle- To make a great effort.
- Stubborn- Unyielding or obstinate.
- Student- A person who is studying.
- Studio- A place for artistic work.
- Stuff- Unspecified things or material.
- Stumble- To trip or fall.
- Stump- The base part of a tree.
- Stun- To shock or astonish.
- Stunt- An unusual or daring feat.
- Style- A manner of doing something.
- Subject- A topic of discussion.
- Submit- To present for approval.
- Sudden- Happening quickly.
- Suffer- To experience pain.
- Suggest- To propose an idea.
- Summer- The warmest season.
- Summit- The highest point.
- Supply- To provide something needed.
- Suppose- To assume or presume.
- Surprise- An unexpected event.
- Surround- To enclose on all sides.
- Survey- To examine or measure.
- Suspect- To believe to be guilty.
- Suspend- To temporarily stop.
- Sustain- To support or maintain.
- Swagger- To walk with confidence.
- Swallow- To cause something to go down the throat.
- Swamp- Wetland area.
- Swarm- A large group of insects.
- Swear- To make a solemn promise.
- Sweat- Moisture excreted by glands.
- Sweater- A knitted garment for the upper body.
- Sweep- To clean with a brush.
- Sweet- Having a sugary flavor.
- Swift- Moving very fast.
- Swindler- A person who cheats others.
- Swing- To move back and forth.
- Switch- To change or exchange.
- Sword- A weapon with a long blade.