Words That Start with Sur: Definitions and Examples

If you’re curious about words that start with “sur,” this article will provide you with a comprehensive list to enrich your vocabulary.

  1. Surpass – to excel or go beyond.
  2. Surplus – an excess or extra amount.
  3. Surface – the outermost layer or boundary.
  4. Surgery – medical procedure involving operations.
  5. Surreal – beyond reality or bizarre.
  6. Surcharge – an additional charge or payment.
  7. Surprise – an unexpected event or occurrence.
  8. Surmise – to guess or infer without certain evidence.
  9. Surrender – to yield or give up control.
  10. Survey – to examine or look over carefully.
  11. Survive – to continue to live or exist.
  12. Surreptitious – done in secret or stealthily.
  13. Surrogate – a substitute or replacement.
  14. Surround – to encircle or encompass.
  15. Surveillance – close observation, especially of a suspect.
  16. Surtax – an additional tax.
  17. Surname – a family name or last name.
  18. Surmount – to overcome or climb over.
  19. Surf – ride on a wave on a surfboard.
  20. Surly – bad- tempered and unfriendly.
  21. Surplice – a loose- fitting ecclesiastical gown.
  22. Survival – the act of continuing to live.
  23. Surprise – an unexpected event or fact.
  24. Surfeit – an excessive amount or overindulgence.
  25. Surcease – to bring to an end or halt.
  26. Surge – a sudden, powerful forward or upward movement.
  27. Surcoat – a loose garment worn over armor.
  28. Surrogate – a substitute, especially a person deputizing.
  29. Surpass – to outdo or exceed in performance.
  30. Surprising – causing surprise or amazement.
  31. Surmountable – capable of being overcome.
  32. Surveyor – a person who examines and records features of land.
  33. Sureness – confidence or certainty.
  34. Surroundings – the environment or vicinity.
  35. Surprisal – the act of surprising.
  36. Surfboard – a long, narrow, buoyant board for riding waves.
  37. Surrealism – an artistic movement emphasizing the unconscious mind.
  38. Surely – with confidence or certainty.
  39. Surgeon’s – relating to a surgeon or surgery.
  40. Surjective – relating to a mathematical function where each element of the codomain is mapped.
  41. Surplusage – an excessive amount; too much.
  42. Surficial – relating to the surface.
  43. Sure- footed – confident and stable in movement.
  44. Surpassing – of exceptional quality or excellence.
  45. Surpriser – one who surprises.
  46. Surjective – relating to being the image of the whole codomain.
  47. Surficial – pertaining to the surface of the earth.
  48. Surliness – the quality of being unfriendly.
  49. Surmisable – that can be surmised.
  50. Surfcasting – fishing by casting a fishing line from shore into the surf.
  51. Surveillance – close and continuous observation.
  52. Surgical – relating to or used in surgery.
  53. Surest – most sure; most certain.
  54. Surer – more confident.
  55. Surfin’ – the act of riding waves on a surfboard.
  56. Surfperch – a family of fishes commonly found in surf zones.
  57. Surfbird – a bird found in coastal regions.
  58. Surah – a chapter of the Quran.
  59. Surculose – bearing sprouts or suckers.
  60. Surfle – to polish or burnish.
  61. Surcingle – a belt or strap that goes around a horse’s belly to secure a saddle.
  62. Surah – a soft twilled silk fabric.
  63. Suricate – a meerkat.
  64. Surculous – bearing or consisting of shoots or suckers.
  65. Surnominal – having an additional name or nickname.
  66. Surculling – cutting off shoots or suckers from plants.
  67. Surveil – to watch or monitor closely.
  68. Surficiality – the quality of being on the surface.
  69. Surbuk – to sting or bite.
  70. Surrenderee – one to whom surrender is made.
  71. Surfable – suitable for surfing.
  72. Surmic – related to the essential elements of ancient Persian culture.