Words That Start with Sw: Complete Word List

In this article, you’ll find an extensive list of words that start with “sw” to enrich your vocabulary.

  1. Swab – A material used for cleaning or medical purposes.
  2. Swaddle – To wrap a baby snugly in blankets.
  3. Swagger – To walk with an arrogant or confident stride.
  4. Swale – A low or hollow place, especially a marshy depression.
  5. Swallow – A bird or the act of moving food or drink down the throat.
  6. Swam – Past tense of swim.
  7. Swamp – An area of low- lying, uncultivated ground where water collects.
  8. Swanky – Stylishly luxurious and expensive.
  9. Swap – To exchange one thing for another.
  10. Swarm – A large or dense group of insects or people.
  11. Swat – To hit or crush something, usually an insect.
  12. Swathe – To wrap or bind in several layers.
  13. Sway – To move slowly or rhythmically back and forth.
  14. Swear – To make a solemn statement or vow.
  15. Sweat – Moisture exuded through the pores of the skin.
  16. Sweater – A garment worn on the upper body to keep warm.
  17. Sweep – To clean by brushing away dirt or litter.
  18. Sweet – Having a pleasant taste, as of sugar.
  19. Sweeten – To make or become sweet.
  20. Sweetheart – A person loved by another.
  21. Sweets – Confectionery or candy.
  22. Swell – To increase in size or volume.
  23. Swelling – An abnormal enlargement of a body part.
  24. Swept – Past tense of sweep.
  25. Swerve – To change direction suddenly.
  26. Swift – Moving very fast.
  27. Swim – To move through water by means of body movements.
  28. Swimmer – A person or animal that swims.
  29. Swindle – To deceive someone to take money or goods.
  30. Swing – To move back and forth or from side to side.
  31. Swirling – Moving in a twisting or spiraling pattern.
  32. Swish – To move with a hissing or rushing sound.
  33. Switch – A device for making and breaking the connection in an electric circuit.
  34. Swivel – To turn around a point or axis.
  35. Swine – A pig.
  36. Swindle – To cheat someone out of money or assets.
  37. Swish – To move with a sibilant sound.
  38. Swig – A large and hurried swallow or drink.
  39. Swindle – To con or cheat.
  40. Swank – Displaying wealth, knowledge, or achievements in a way that is intended to impress others.
  41. Swot – To study hard.
  42. Swoon – To faint or be overwhelmed by emotion.
  43. Swoop – To move rapidly downward through the air.
  44. Sworn – Past participle of swear.
  45. Swollen – Enlarged due to fluid or other causes.
  46. Swirled – Moved in a twisting or spiraling manner.
  47. Swayed – Moved back and forth or influenced in opinion.
  48. Swabbed – Cleaned or applied by means of a swab.
  49. Swaggered – Walked or behaved in a very confident manner.
  50. Swaddled – Wrapped tightly with cloth or blankets.
  51. Swamped – Overwhelmed with work or flooded with water.
  52. Sweeping – Extensive in range or effect.
  53. Sweetened – Made sweeter.
  54. Swell – Increase in volume.
  55. Sweeter – Having a more sweet taste.
  56. Sweated – Perspired.
  57. Swiftly – Moving or capable of moving with great speed.
  58. Sweetish – Somewhat sweet.
  59. Swelling – An abnormal protrusion or puffiness.
  60. Swatted – Hit sharply or violently.
  61. Swarming – Moving in a large, dense group.
  62. Swopped – Exchanged one thing for another.
  63. Swipecard – A card that is swiped through a machine to gain access or make a transaction.
  64. Swashy – Characterized by vigorous energy.
  65. Swelter – To suffer from oppressive heat.
  66. Sword – A weapon with a long metal blade.
  67. Swankily – In a stylishly luxurious manner.
  68. Swiffer – Brand of cleaning tools used for sweeping and mopping.
  69. Swedged – Shaped fine metal.
  70. Swooning – Falling into a faint or ecstasy.
  71. Swivet – A state of nervousness or agitation.
  72. Sweltering – Extremely hot and humid.
  73. Swidden – An area cleared for farming via slashing and burning.
  74. Swiller – A person who drinks greedily.
  75. Swindle – Fraudulent scheme or action.
  76. Swindle – To conduct oneself in a cunning, deceitful, or fraudulent manner.
  77. Swabby – Sailor.
  78. Swaggerer – One who swaggers or boasts.
  79. Swindle – To cheat someone.
  80. Swimmable – Suitable for swimming.
  81. Switcheroo – An unexpected or deceptive change.
  82. Swarming – Filled or crowded.
  83. Swashbuckler – A person engaging in daring and romantic adventures.
  84. Swimmable – Able to be swum in.
  85. Switchback – A zigzag road or trail.
  86. Swordplay – The art or practice of fighting with swords.
  87. Swopper – One who swaps.
  88. Swindleable – Open to being cheated.
  89. Swindler – A person who cheats others.
  90. Swaradaya – Vocal self- study in music.
  91. Swatting – Striking with a swat.
  92. Swankpot – A show- off.
  93. Swappping – Exchanging items.
  94. Swizzler – A mixed drink stirrer.
  95. Switchman – A person who operates railway switches.
  96. Swallower – Someone who swallows.
  97. Swabbing – Cleaning with a swab.
  98. Swooped – Moved quickly downwards.
  99. Sweatering – Making of sweaters.
  100. Swabber – A person who mops or swabs.