Discover a variety of words that start with “uni” and learn about their meanings and uses.
- Unicorn- A mythical animal typically represented as a horse with a single horn.
- Uniform- Identical clothing or gear worn by members of a particular group.
- Unify- To make or become united, uniform, or whole.
- Unilateral- Performed by or affecting only one side.
- Unity- The state of being united or joined as a whole.
- Universal- Applicable to all cases or situations; widespread.
- Universe- All existing matter and space considered as a whole; the cosmos.
- University- An institution of higher education and research.
- Unison- Simultaneous performance or utterance of action or speech.
- Unique- Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.
- Uninterested- Not interested; indifferent.
- Unicycle- A cycle with a single wheel, typically used for entertainment or sport.
- Unidirectional- Moving or operating in a single direction.
- Unilevel- (In marketing) a compensation plan that allows one line of distribution.
- Unisonous- Sounding the same; having the same sound.
- Unilinear- Descending or proceeding in a direct line of ancestry or descent.
- Unisex- Suitable for both sexes.
- Unimbued- Not imbued; not inspired with feelings, opinions, etc.
- Univalve- A shell consisting of a single valve, as in snails.
- Universalism- The theological doctrine that all souls will ultimately be saved.
- Universalize- To make universal, to generalize.
- Univariate- Involving one variable.
- Univocal- Having one meaning only; unambiguous.
- Unifocal- Having one focal point.
- Unicolor- Having one color.
- Unicellular- Consisting of a single cell.
- Unidimensional- Having one dimension.
- Unifoliate- Having one leaf.
- Unison- Agreement or harmony produced by simultaneous action.
- Unite- To join together.
- Univalve- A type of shellfish with only one shell, like a gastropod.
- Uninnovative- Not innovative; lacking in originality.
- Uninstall- To remove an application or file from a computer system.
- Uninterested- Not interested or concerned; indifferent.
- Uninterrupted- Not interrupted or broken; continuous.
- Unify- To make or become unified or whole.
- Unimpeded- Not impeded or obstructed.
- Uninfluenced- Not influenced or affected.
- Uninhabitable- Not suitable for living or dwelling.
- Uninhabited- Not inhabited; having no people living there.
- Unintended- Not planned or meant.
- Unintentional- Not done on purpose.
- Uninterested- Not interested; having no interest.
- Uninjured- Not injured; not harmed.
- Uninitiated- Without knowledge of a subject; inexperienced.
- Uninhibited- Not inhibited or restrained.
- Uninspired- Not inspired; lacking in imagination or originality.
- Uninsurable- Not able to be insured or not eligible for insurance.
- Unintelligible- Not able to be understood; not intelligible.
- Unintentional- Not done on purpose.
- Uninvited- Not invited or welcome.
- Uninviting- Not appealing or attractive; repellent.
- Uninvolved- Not involved or not participating.
- Unilateral- Pertaining to one side only.
- Unimaginable- Not imaginable; beyond imagination.
- Unimaginative- Lacking imagination; dull.
- Unimpaired- Not weakened or damaged; intact.
- Unimpeachable- Not able to be doubted or questioned; reliable.
- Unimpeded- Not impeded or hindered; free.
- Unimportant- Not important; trivial.
- Unimpressed- Not impressed; unmoved.
- Unimpressive- Not impressive; dull.
- Uninformed- Not informed or not knowledgeable.
- Uninhibited- Not inhibited; free in behavior and feelings.
- Uninitiate- Not initiated; not begun.
- Uninjured- Not injured; not harmed.
- Uninspired- Lacking inspiration or originality.
- Uninstalled- Removed or taken out, especially referring to software.
- Uninstructed- Not instructed or educated.
- Uninsurable- Not suitable or eligible for insurance.
- Unintended- Not intended or planned.
- Unintentional- Not done on purpose; accidental.
- Uninvited- Not invited or asked.
- Union- The act of joining; a state of being united.
- Unionism- The principles or theory of unions.
- Unionize- To organize into a labor union.
- Unique- Being the only one of its kind; peculiar.
- Uniqueness- The quality or state of being unique.
- Unison- Agreement or harmony.
- Unit- A single thing or person.
- Unitarian- Relating to or believing in the doctrine of the Unity (not Trinity) of God.
- Unitary- Forming a single or uniform entity.
- United- Joined together politically or for a common purpose.
- Unitize- To divide into usable units or to standardize.
- Unity- The state of being one; oneness.
- Universal- Pertaining to or affecting all.
- Universalize- To make universal; to generalize.
- Universe- All existing matter and space as a whole.
- University- An institution of higher learning.
- Univocal- Having one meaning only; unambiguous.
- Unix- A family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems.
- Unicycle- A cycle with a single wheel, mainly used for performing tricks.
- Unidirectional- Moving or operating in a single direction.
- Unification- The process of unifying or uniting.
- Uniformity- The quality or state of being uniform; sameness.
- Uniformly- In a uniform manner; consistently.
- Unilateralism- The policy or practice of conducting foreign affairs with minimal consultation or cooperation with other countries.
- Unilaterally- Done by one party or nation without the agreement of others.
- Unimaginative- Lacking in original ideas or creativity.
- Unimodal- Having one mode or peak in a distribution.