Words That Start With Ver: Examples & Meanings

In this article, you will find a comprehensive list of words that start with “ver”.

  1. Veracity- Truthfulness
  2. Verbose- Wordy
  3. Verify- Confirm
  4. Veranda- Balcony
  5. Verdict- Judgment
  6. Veritable- Genuine
  7. Verve- Enthusiasm
  8. Verge- Edge
  9. Verdict- Decision
  10. Vermin- Pests
  11. Verbatim- Exact words
  12. Vertex- Peak
  13. Vermillion- Red color
  14. Verisimilitude- Realism
  15. Veritable- Authentic
  16. Verge- Border
  17. Verst- Russian measure
  18. Vernal- Spring-related
  19. Verified- Confirmed
  20. Veracity- Accuracy
  21. Verified- Authenticated
  22. Verification- Proof
  23. Verger- Church officer
  24. Vermouth- Fortified wine
  25. Vertebra- Spine segment
  26. Versatile- Adaptable
  27. Verge- Threshold
  28. Versification- Poetry composition
  29. Verminous- Infested
  30. Vermicelli- Pasta type
  31. Verbalize- Put into words
  32. Verification- Confirmation
  33. Vertex- Apex
  34. Verse- Poem line
  35. Verminous- Pest-like
  36. Vertebrate- Having a backbone
  37. Versed- Knowledgeable
  38. Versatile- Resourceful
  39. Verdict- Finding
  40. Versa- Opposite side
  41. Verminal- Pest-related
  42. Vermiculite- Mineral
  43. Veridical- Truthful
  44. Vermiculate- Worm-like
  45. Vernacular- Native language
  46. Vertebrate- Animal with backbone
  47. Vermiculate- Twisted
  48. Vermiculation- Wriggling movement
  49. Vertigo- Dizziness
  50. Veritable- Bona fide
  51. Verdurous- Green and lush
  52. Versification- Metre in poems
  53. Versification- Rhythm in poetry
  54. Vermeil- Gilded silver
  55. Vermicide- Parasite killer
  56. Versification- Translating into verse
  57. Verbenaceous- Plant family
  58. Verbiage- Excessive words
  59. Verdant- Green
  60. Veronica- Plant genus
  61. Vernality- Youthfulness
  62. Vermillion- Brilliant red
  63. Verification- Justification
  64. Veracious- Honest
  65. Vector- Directional quantity
  66. Verb- Action word
  67. Version- Form
  68. Vertical- Upright
  69. Verso- Left-hand page
  70. Verbatim- Word-for-word
  71. Versifier- Poem writer
  72. Versal- Capital letter in manuscript
  73. Veristic- Realistic art
  74. Verger- Church usher
  75. Vermilion- Bright red color
  76. Versant- Skilled person
  77. Verst- Russian length unit
  78. Vermiform- Worm-shaped
  79. Versus- Against
  80. Vertebral- Pertaining to the spine
  81. Verticil- Whorl of leaves
  82. Verismo- Realism in art
  83. Vertuous- Virtuous
  84. Veritable- Undoubtedly
  85. Versemonger- Poet
  86. Vermeil- Gilt silverware
  87. Veridicity- Truthfulness
  88. Vernation- Leaf arrangement
  89. Vermicular- Resembling worm tracks
  90. Versicle- Short liturgical verse
  91. Verklemmt- Inhibited or uptight
  92. Verticillate- Whorled leaf arrangement
  93. Vermilion- Orange-red
  94. Verlig- Modern (Afrikaans)
  95. Verjuice- Sour juice
  96. Vermiculate- In the form of worms
  97. Verrucose- Warty
  98. Veratrine- Alkaloid
  99. Vermeology- Study of worms
  100. Vermiphobia- Fear of worms