In this article, you’ll find a comprehensive list of words containing “cru” to enhance your vocabulary and word usage.
- Crucial- Extremely important or essential.
- Crumble- Break or fall apart into small fragments.
- Crust- The outer layer of a loaf of bread or the Earth’s surface.
- Crucifix- A cross with a representation of Jesus on it.
- Cruel- Willfully causing pain or suffering to others.
- Crude- In a natural or raw state; not processed or refined.
- Crumb- A small fragment of bread or cake.
- Cruise- Travel for pleasure on a ship.
- Crush- Deform, pulverize, or force inwards by applying pressure.
- Crusade- A medieval military expedition or a vigorous campaign.
- Crucify- Put (someone) to death by nailing or binding them to a cross.
- Crusty- Having a crisp or hard outer layer or covering.
- Crux- The central or most important point.
- Crucible- A container in which metals are melted, or a severe test.
- Cru- A vineyard producing wine of high quality; a particular grade of wine.
- Crummy- Miserable, shabby, or of poor quality.
- Cruciate- Cross-shaped.
- Crud- A substance regarded as disgusting or unpleasant.
- Cruciferous- Relating to a family of plants including cabbage and broccoli.
- Crutch- A support used by injured or disabled people for walking.
- Crustacean- A class of arthropods that includes crabs, lobsters, and shrimp.
- Crucification- The act of crucifying or being crucified.
- Cruor- Clotted blood.
- Cruciform- Shaped like a cross.
- Crunch- Crush into small pieces with a grinding noise.
- Crudeoil- Unrefined petroleum.
- Crunchy- Making a sharp noise when bitten or eaten.
- Cruet- A small container for holding a condiment.
- Cruxifixion- Historical method of execution involving a cross.
- Cruising- Sailing about or traveling leisurely.
- Cruisingforbruising- A phrase meaning looking for trouble.
- Crumby- Full of or covered in crumbs.
- Crusoe- Fictional character Robinson Crusoe, stranded on a tropical island.
- Crumbly- Breaking easily into small pieces.
- Crucis- Latin for “of the cross.”
- Cruddy- Dirty, messy, or unpleasant.
- Crumbles- Falls apart into small fragments.
- Cruisingpitch- The angle of pitch a vessel or aircraft is maintained at for cruising.
- Cruse- An ancient jar or pot.
- Crusta- Hard outer shell or covering.
- Crustless- Lacking a crust.
- Cruciana- Refers to related or derived from the cross.
- Crucified- Having been put to death by crucifixion.
- Cruller- A small, sweet, twisted pastry.
- Crumhorn- A capped reed wind instrument from the Renaissance period.
- Crucifiction- Relating to a work of fiction about crucifixion.
- Cruxclimbers- Those who climb the crux, or hardest part of a climb.
- Crucibulum- A small, earthenware pot used historically in alchemy and metallurgy.
- Crunk- Energetic, dynamic, or excited.
- Crucian- A type of European freshwater fish.
- Crumpet- British griddle cake, similar to an English muffin.
- Crutching- The process of removing wool around a sheep’s tail and back legs.
- Crummock- A cow with one horn turned down.
- Cruciverbalist- A person skillful in creating or solving crossword puzzles.
- Crudités- An appetizer of raw vegetables.
- Crustose- Encrusting, as a type of lichen that grows closely attached to a surface.
- Crump- The sound of heavy artillery fire.
- Cruellar- Related to cruelty or being cruel.
- Crutchless- Lacking support or aid from crutches.
- Crucigrama- Spanish for “crossword puzzle.”
- Crucifiers- Those who crucify or partake in crucifixion.
- Crunked- Stimulated or elevated in energy.
- Crusado- A gold coin formerly used in Portugal.
- Cruciqubital- Pertaining to the crossed arms of a person.
- Crushable- Can be crushed easily.
- Crumbliness- The quality of breaking easily into small fragments.
- Crustiness- The state of having a hard outer surface.
- Crucibles- Containers used for melting substances at high temperatures.
- Crura- Anatomical legs or leg-like parts in various animals.
- Cruing- Crying or wailing, a Scottish term.
- Crucifixes- Multiple representations of a cross with Jesus on it.