In this article, you’ll discover a variety of words that start with “hypo” and their meanings to enhance your vocabulary.
- Hypodermic: Relating to the region beneath the skin.
- Hypoglycemia: A condition of having low blood sugar.
- Hypotension: Abnormally low blood pressure.
- Hypothermia: Dangerous reduction of body temperature.
- Hypothesis: A proposed explanation for a phenomenon.
- Hypocrite: A person who pretends to have virtues they do not possess.
- Hypoallergenic: Less likely to cause allergic reactions.
- Hypothesis: An unproven theory or statement.
- Hypoxia: Deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching tissues.
- Hypochondriac: A person excessively worried about their health.
- Hypothetical: Based on a suggested idea or theory.
- Hypocritical: Behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards than is the case.
- Hypothyroidism: Disorder due to an underactive thyroid gland.
- Hypomania: A mild form of mania.
- Hypostatic: Pertaining to the settling of fluids in the lower part of a body.
- Hypoderm: The tissue layer beneath the epidermis.
- Hypocenter: The point of origin of an earthquake or explosion.
- Hyponatremia: Low sodium levels in the blood.
- Hypoblast: A layer of cells in early embryonic development.
- Hypogeal: Growing underground.
- Hypostasis: The settling of blood in the lower part of an organ.
- Hypobaric: Relating to a reduced pressure environment.
- Hypoglossal: Pertaining to the area under the tongue.
- Hypocalcemia: Low calcium levels in the blood.
- Hypovolemia: Decreased volume of circulating blood in the body.
- Hypophysis: Another term for the pituitary gland.
- Hyposthenia: Weakness or reduced strength.
- Hypoxia: Lack of oxygen in the blood.
- Hypocapnia: Reduced carbon dioxide in the blood.
- Hypogeous: Growing or occurring below the ground.
- Hypothyroid: Having an underactive thyroid gland.
- Hypostyle: Having many columns.
- Hypospadias: A birth defect in males where the opening of the urethra is not located at the tip of the penis.
- Hypothenar: The fleshy mass at the base of the little finger.
- Hypostatic: Relating to a constant pressure.
- Hypogeum: An underground chamber.
- Hypersensitive: Excessively sensitive.
- Hypoventilation: Reduced breathing.
- Hypotelorism: Abnormally close-set eyes.
- Hypodiploid: Having fewer chromosomes than the standard diploid number.
- Hypoblast: The inner layer of an embryo.
- Hyposthenic: Having a deficient physical strength.
- Hyposmia: Reduced sense of smell.
- Hypomorphism: Decreased size and complexity in relation to body parts.
- Hypocaust: A type of Roman heating system.
- Hypohidrosis: Reduced ability to sweat.
- Hypophonia: Soft or weak voice.
- Hypophonia: Weakness of voice.
- Hypoxia: Severely low oxygen levels in tissue.
- Hypoprothrombinemia: Deficiency of prothrombin in the blood.
- Hypotelorism: Congenitally close-set eyes.
- Hypothermia: Dangerous drop in body temperature.
- Hypersensitive: Overly sensitive to stimuli.
- Hypovitaminosis: Deficiency of vitamins in the diet.
- Hypotonia: Reduced muscle tone.
- Hypoblast: The innermost layer of a young embryo.
- Hypomania: Psychopathological state with mild mania.
- Hypothecary: Relating to mortgages.
- Hypoplankton: Tiny organisms living at deeper ocean levels.
- Hypoplast: A condition with underdeveloped tissues or organs.
- Hypothecate: To pledge as security without transferring title or possession.
- Hypovolemic: Relating to low blood volume.
- Hypogeum: Underground burial place.
- Hyposecretion: Reduced secretion of glands.
- Hypocapnia: Lower than normal carbon dioxide in the blood.
- Hyperfocused: Intensely focusing on a subject.
- Hypobaric: Relating to low pressure.
- Hyperosmotic: With higher osmotic pressure.
- Hyposensitize: To make less sensitive.
- Hypomanic: Relating to mild mania.
- Hypnostist: One who induces hypnosis.
- Hypomineralized: Having few minerals.
- Hypoosmotic: Lower osmotic pressure.
- Hypogenetic: Related to the origin beneath the earth.
- Hypogene: Formed or existing beneath the earth’s surface.
- Hypocholesterolemia: Abnormally low levels of cholesterol in the blood.
- Hypovolemically: Relating to reduced blood volume.
- Hypogonadism: Diminished functional activity of the gonads.
- Hyposcleral: Below the sclera of the eye.
- Hypomanial: Exhibiting symptoms of mild mania.
- Hypopotassemia: Low potassium levels in the blood.
- Hyporeflexia: Below normal or absent reflexes.
- Hyposecretory: Reducing glandular secretion.
- Hypotrichosis: Abnormal hair pattern.
- Hypoantigenic: Less likely to cause an immune response.
- Hypochromic: Less color than normal, typically in red blood cells.
- Hyperendemic: Continuously present in a population.
- Hypoglycemic: Pertaining to low blood sugar levels.
- Hyperalgesic: Increased sensitivity to pain.
- Hypomobility: Reduced joint movement.
- Hypouricosuric: Reducing uric acid excretion.
- Hyposensitization: Process of making less sensitive.
- Hypostatic: Pertaining to sedimentation in body fluids.
- Hypereutectoid: Containing more than the eutectic composition.
- Hyposphagma: Subconjunctival hemorrhage of the eye.
- Hypoacusis: Deficient hearing.
- Hypoacidity: Below normal acid levels.
- Hypomorph: Having decreased functional activity due to mutation.
- Hypostomatous: Having few or no mouth openings.
- Hypostomatous: Relating to the area beneath the mouth.