Words with L: Questions and How-Tos

In this article, you’ll find a comprehensive list of words that contain the letter “l”.

  1. Lamp – A device that produces light.
  2. Lion – A large wild cat with a mane.
  3. Lemon – A yellow, sour fruit.
  4. Leaf – A flat, green part of a plant.
  5. Lake – A large body of water surrounded by land.
  6. Ladder – A tool used for climbing up or down.
  7. Laugh – To show amusement by making sounds.
  8. Latch – A device for holding a door or gate closed.
  9. Lace – A delicate fabric made of threads.
  10. Lizard – A reptile with a long body and tail.
  11. Lava – Molten rock that flows from a volcano.
  12. Luggage – Bags and suitcases used for travel.
  13. Lantern – A portable light source.
  14. License – An official permit or permission.
  15. Library – A place where books are kept for reading.
  16. Lush – Rich and abundant in growth.
  17. Logic – Reasoning conducted according to principles.
  18. Lawyer – A person who practices law.
  19. Lyrics – The words of a song.
  20. Laundry – The process of washing clothes.
  21. Limit – A point beyond which something cannot pass.
  22. Luxury – Great comfort and extravagant living.
  23. Loaf – A shaped mass of baked bread.
  24. Lullaby – A soothing song to help someone sleep.
  25. Lilac – A type of flowering plant with fragrant blooms.
  26. Limp – To walk with difficulty.
  27. Lobster – A marine crustacean with claws.
  28. Label – A tag or marker attached to an object.
  29. Loan – Money borrowed that must be repaid.
  30. Lecture – An educational talk to an audience.
  31. Lantern – A lamp usually covered by a case.
  32. Loyal – Being faithful or true.
  33. Lyrical – Expressive and poetic.
  34. Landscape – A view or picture of outdoor scenery.
  35. Lagoon – A shallow body of water separated from a larger sea.
  36. Lithe – Graceful and flexible.
  37. Lavish – Rich, elaborate, or luxurious.
  38. Legacy – Something handed down from the past.
  39. Livid – Extremely angry or enraged.
  40. Lucid – Clear and easy to understand.
  41. Linear – Arranged in or extending along a straight line.
  42. Lifelong – Lasting for the duration of a person’s life.
  43. Lawful – Conforming to the law.
  44. Lucid – Showing the ability to think clearly.
  45. Luminary – A person who inspires or influences others.
  46. Luminous – Emitting or reflecting light.
  47. Latitude – The distance of a place north or south of the earth’s equator.
  48. Length – The measurement of something from end to end.
  49. Literary – Pertaining to literature.
  50. Lodging – Temporary accommodation.
  51. Loyalist – A supporter of the existing government.
  52. Leverage – The exertion of force by means of a lever.
  53. Lectern – A stand for holding a book or notes.
  54. Lament – To express sorrow or regret.
  55. Lavatory – A room or compartment with a toilet and washbasin.
  56. Larceny – Theft of personal property.
  57. Lateral – Relating to the side.
  58. Labyrinth – A complex network of winding passages.
  59. Ledger – A book or other collection of financial accounts.
  60. Laggard – A person who makes slow progress.
  61. Legacy – Money or property left to someone in a will.
  62. Languid – Lacking energy; weak.
  63. Legitimate – Conforming to the law or to rules.
  64. Loop – A shape produced by a curve that bends around and crosses itself.
  65. Lease – A contract renting land, buildings, etc., to another.
  66. Locomotive – A powered rail vehicle used for pulling trains.
  67. Lapse – A temporary failure of concentration or memory.
  68. Lattice – A structure consisting of strips of wood or metal crossed and fastened together.
  69. Likeness – The fact or quality of being alike.
  70. Leeward – On or toward the side sheltered from the wind.
  71. Lane – A narrow road or path.
  72. Lachrymose – Tearful or given to weeping.
  73. Lactose – A sugar present in milk.
  74. Lair – A wild animal’s resting place.
  75. Lavish – Sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious.
  76. Lush – Very rich and providing great pleasure.
  77. Landmark – An object or feature of a landscape that is easily seen.
  78. Lash – To strike or beat with a whip.
  79. Lignite – A soft brownish coal showing traces of plant structure.
  80. Literate – Able to read and write.
  81. Leek – A vegetable related to the onion, with flat overlapping leaves forming cylindrical stalks.
  82. Luminary – A person who inspires or influences others.
  83. Liquor – An alcoholic drink, especially distilled spirits.
  84. Liberate – To set free.
  85. Lode – A rich source of something.
  86. Lampoon – To publicly criticize someone in a humorous way.
  87. Lint – Short, fine fibers that separate from the surface of cloth.
  88. Larder – A room or large cupboard for storing food.
  89. Leaflet – A printed sheet of paper containing information or advertising.
  90. Lame – Unable to walk without difficulty.
  91. Legend – A traditional story sometimes regarded as historical but not authenticated.
  92. Listen – To give one’s attention to sound.
  93. Lush – Luxuriant and rich vegetation.
  94. Lustrous – Shining and bright.
  95. Lacquer – A liquid that is smooth and shiny when it dries.
  96. Lessen – To make or become less.
  97. Limber – Flexible and supple.
  98. Loiter – Stand or wait around idly without apparent purpose.
  99. Littoral – Relating to or situated on the shore of the sea or a lake.
  100. Lexicon – The vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge.