Z Words for Kids: Fun and Easy Learning

In this article, you’ll discover a fun and educational list of Z words perfect for kids.

  1. Zebra – A black- and-white striped animal.
  2. Zoo – A place where animals are kept for public viewing.
  3. Zoom – To move quickly.
  4. Zigzag – A line or course with sharp turns.
  5. Zipper – A device used to fasten clothes.
  6. Zeppelin – A large airship.
  7. Zero – The number 0.
  8. Zucchini – A type of green vegetable.
  9. Zap – A sudden burst of energy.
  10. Zany – Funny or bizarre.
  11. Zillion – An extremely large number.
  12. Zenith – The highest point.
  13. Zephyr – A gentle breeze.
  14. Zinc – A type of metal.
  15. Zany – Silly or crazy in a fun way.
  16. Zest – Great enthusiasm.
  17. Zone – An area or region.
  18. Zombie – A fictional undead creature.
  19. Zestful – Full of energy and enthusiasm.
  20. Zeal – Great energy or passion.
  21. Zodiac – A circle of twelve 30° divisions of celestial longitude.
  22. Zigzagged – Moved in a pattern of sharp turns.
  23. Zion – A biblical name for Jerusalem.
  24. Zenithal – Related to the highest point.
  25. Zestiness – Liveliness or energy.
  26. Zookeeper – Someone who takes care of animals in a zoo.
  27. Zombi – Another way to spell zombie, often used in folklore.
  28. Zamboni – A machine that smooths ice in skating rinks.
  29. Zen – A type of meditation practice.
  30. Zincite – A mineral form of zinc oxide.
  31. Zooplankton – Tiny floating animals in the ocean.
  32. Zircon – A gemstone.
  33. Zealot – A very enthusiastic supporter.
  34. Zoomed – Moved very quickly.
  35. Zygote – A fertilized egg cell.
  36. Zipping – Moving quickly.
  37. Zowie – An exclamation of surprise.
  38. Zeppelin – A large, balloon- like airship.
  39. Zany – Entertainingly quirky.
  40. Zesty – Energetic and exciting.
  41. Zenith – The peak or highest point.
  42. Zilch – Nothing, zero.
  43. Zips – Moves quickly.
  44. Zonal – Relating to a zone.
  45. Zapped – Hit or destroyed quickly.
  46. Zincification – The process of coating or treating with zinc.
  47. Zappy – Energetic and lively.
  48. Zooming – Moving very fast.
  49. Zionist – A supporter of a Jewish homeland.
  50. Zirconium – A type of chemical element.
  51. Zephyrous – Breezy or airy.
  52. Zapata – A type of traditional Mexican footwear.
  53. Zizz – A short sleep or nap.
  54. Zombify – To turn into a zombie.
  55. Zealously – With great energy or enthusiasm.
  56. Zettabyte – A unit of digital information.
  57. Zionism – The movement for a Jewish homeland.
  58. Zootherm – An animal that generates its own heat.
  59. Zymology – The study of fermentation.
  60. Zebrafish – A small, striped fish often used in research.
  61. Zoophobia – The fear of animals.
  62. Zamboni – A vehicle used to smooth ice.
  63. Zocalo – A public square or plaza in Mexico.
  64. Zorilla – A small African skunk.
  65. Zigzagging – Moving back and forth sharply.
  66. Zoomorphism – Giving animal traits to non- animals.
  67. Zincify – To coat with zinc.
  68. Zillionth – The ordinal number matching the term zillion.
  69. Zoon – A single animal that is part of a colonial animal.
  70. Zoophyte – An animal that resembles a plant.
  71. Zaftig – Having a full, rounded figure.
  72. Zebu – A type of domestic cattle with a hump.
  73. Zygomatic – Relating to the cheekbone.
  74. Zoologist – A scientist who studies animals.
  75. Zoology – The scientific study of animals.
  76. Zeist – A town in the Netherlands.
  77. Zen- like – Calm and introspective.
  78. Zoonotic – Diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans.
  79. Zygomaticus – A muscle in the cheek.
  80. Zit – A pimple on the skin.
  81. Zapateado – A style of Spanish dance.
  82. Zoon – An individual organism in a colonial animal.
  83. Zeppelin – A large rigid airship.
  84. Zemblanity – Making unhappy discoveries, by design or fate.
  85. Zamboni – A machine for smoothing the surface of ice rinks.
  86. Zoster – Another term for shingles, a viral infection.
  87. Zeloscope – An old instrument for viewing distant objects.
  88. Zeta – The sixth letter of the Greek alphabet.
  89. Zymurgy – The study of fermentation as in brewing.
  90. Zazen – Sitting meditation in Zen Buddhism.
  91. Zap – Hit with a sudden burst of energy.
  92. Zero – A quantity or number with no value.
  93. Zealand – The largest island in Denmark.
  94. Zydeco – A type of music from Louisiana.
  95. Zephyrus – The Greek god of the west wind.
  96. Zeaxanthin – A type of pigment found in plants.
  97. Zeolite – A mineral used as a molecular sieve.
  98. Zebrule – A hybrid animal, part zebra and part horse.
  99. Zonation – The arrangement or pattern of zones.
  100. Ziggurat – A type of ancient Mesopotamian pyramid.