J Words in Spanish: Common Terms and Usage

In this article, you’ll find a comprehensive list of Spanish words starting with the letter “J” to expand your vocabulary.

  1. Jabon- Soap
  2. Jardín- Garden
  3. Jaula- Cage
  4. Jirafa- Giraffe
  5. Joven- Young
  6. Jefe- Boss
  7. Jornada- Workday
  8. Juguete- Toy
  9. Joya- Jewel
  10. Jugo- Juice
  11. Jurel- Mackerel
  12. Jamón- Ham
  13. Jengibre- Ginger
  14. Jubilación- Retirement
  15. Justicia- Justice
  16. Junta- Board
  17. Jirón- Shred
  18. Jarabe- Syrup
  19. Julio- July
  20. Jalapeño- Jalapeño
  21. Jornada- Workday
  22. Jerarquía- Hierarchy
  23. Jurídico- Legal
  24. Jaque- Check (Chess)
  25. Jarro- Pitcher
  26. Jazmín- Jasmine
  27. Jactancia- Boasting
  28. Jugador- Player
  29. Juguete- Toy
  30. Jubilado- Retired
  31. Jornal- Daily wage
  32. Jeringa- Syringe
  33. Jolgorio- Merrymaking
  34. Jaleo- Fuss
  35. Junco- Reed
  36. Jornada- Day
  37. Jadeo- Panting
  38. Joroba- Hump
  39. Jugo- Juice
  40. Jobar- To annoy
  41. Jolgorio- Revelry
  42. Jabato- Wild boar
  43. Jamba- Doorjamb
  44. Jorongo- Poncho
  45. Jurado- Jury
  46. Jayán- Giant
  47. Jubón- Doublet
  48. Jacinto- Hyacinth
  49. Jitomate- Tomato
  50. Jalón- Pull
  51. Jerga- Jargon
  52. Jaleo- Commotion
  53. Jornaleros- Laborers
  54. Jugoso- Juicy
  55. Juvenil- Juvenile
  56. Justo- Just
  57. Juncal- Graceful
  58. Jolgorio- Festivity
  59. Jilguero- Goldfinch
  60. Jironcito- Little shred
  61. Jacaranda- Jacaranda
  62. Jerez- Sherry
  63. Jade- Jade
  64. Jubilación- Pension
  65. Justicia- Fairness
  66. Jungla- Jungle
  67. Juntar- Gather
  68. Juguetear- Play
  69. Jibaro- Peasant
  70. Jarana- Hullabaloo
  71. Japone- Japanese
  72. Juzgar- Judge
  73. Jovero- Dyewood
  74. Jayan- Strongman
  75. Jalear- Encourage
  76. Jaqueca- Migraine
  77. Jumbo- Jumbo
  78. Juventud- Youth
  79. Jofaina- Basin
  80. Jubiloso- Joyful
  81. Jirafa- Giraffe
  82. Juntar- Bring together
  83. Jamonero- Ham holder
  84. Jaculatoria- Ejaculation (prayer)
  85. Jaca- Pony
  86. Jubileo- Jubilee
  87. Jerigonza- Gibberish
  88. Jícama- Jicama
  89. Juicio- Judgment
  90. Junta- Meeting
  91. Joropos- Venezuelan dance
  92. Jícara- Gourd
  93. Jorobado- Hunchback
  94. Jebuseo- Jebusite
  95. Jabalina- Javelin
  96. Jubilación- Retirement
  97. Justificar- Justify
  98. Joropo- Folk dance
  99. Jardinería- Gardening
  100. Jabali- Wild boar

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