Discover a variety of adjectives starting with the letter “J” to enhance your vocabulary and spice up your writing.
- Jaded- worn out or fatigued, often from overwork or overuse.
- Jaunty- having a buoyant or self-confident air; brisk.
- Jealous- feeling resentment against someone because of their success or advantages.
- Jesting- said or done in jest; joking.
- Jeweled- adorned with or as if with jewels.
- Jittery- nervous or unable to relax.
- Jocose- given to jesting; playfully humorous.
- Jocular- characterized by joking; humorous or playful.
- Jocund- cheerful and lighthearted.
- Jointed- having joints; articulated.
- Joking- said or done in jest.
- Jolly- full of good humor and cheer; jovial.
- Journalistic- relating to or characteristic of journalists or journalism.
- Jovial- marked by good cheer; hearty and friendly.
- Joyful- feeling, expressing, or causing great pleasure and happiness.
- Joyous- full of joy; very happy.
- Jubilant- feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph.
- Judgmental- having or displaying an excessively critical point of view.
- Judicious- having, showing, or done with good judgment or sense.
- Jumbled- mixed up in a confused or disorderly manner.
- Jumping- springing off the ground.
- Jumpy- anxious and uneasy.
- Junior- lower in rank or shorter in length of tenure.
- Juvenile- young or immature.
- Jagged- having rough, sharp points protruding.
- Jam- packed** – very crowded or packed tightly.
- Janitorial- relating to a janitor or janitorial work.
- Jeering- making rude and mocking remarks.
- Jingly- making a light tinkling sound.
- Jobless- without a paid job but available for work.
- Joint- shared, held, or made by two or more people together.
- Jovially- in a manner showing high spirits and good humor.
- Judicial- appropriate to a court or judge; relating to judgment in courts.
- Jumbled- in a confused or chaotic state.
- Just- based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair.
- Justifiable- able to be shown to be right or reasonable; defensible.
- Justificatory- serving to justify something.
- Juicy- full of juice; succulent.
- Jumbo- unusually large.
- Juridical- relating to the administration of justice.
- Jurisdictional- relating to a particular jurisdiction, legal authority.
- Jurisprudential- relating to the theory or philosophy of law.
- Juristic- relating to legal matters or studies.
- Justly- in a way that is fair and morally right.
- Juvenescent- growing or becoming youthful.
- Juxtaposed- placed or positioned close together with contrasting effect.
- Jeopardous- involving or exposing to danger or risk.
- Jejune- naive, simplistic, and superficial; (of ideas or writings) dry and uninteresting.
- Jerky- characterized by sudden starts and stops.
- Jesting- humorous or intended to induce laughter.
- Jet- black** – extremely black in color.
- Jet- setting** – traveling from one fashionable or exotic place to another.
- Jinxed- having bad luck; unlucky.
- Jobbing- working at temporary jobs.
- Joculatory- pertaining to joking or jesting.
- Joinable- capable of being joined.
- Jolting- causing a sudden shock or surprise; jerky.
- Journalistic- pertaining to the work of a journalist.
- Journeyed- having traveled somewhere.
- Jovially- cheerful and friendly in manner.
- Joyless- without joy or happiness.
- Judge- like** – resembling or appropriate to a judge.
- Judicially- in a manner that is appropriate to a court of law.
- Juggernaut- a huge, powerful, and overwhelming force.
- Juiceless- dry, without juice.
- Juicily- with a lot of juice; succulently.
- Jumbledly- in a mixed-up or disordered way.
- Jumpable- capable of being jumped over or across.
- Jumpy- nervous or anxious.
- Junoesque- resembling Juno, the ancient Roman goddess; majestic and beautiful.
- Juristic- pertaining to law or jurisprudence.
- Justiciable- capable of being decided by a court of law.
- Justly- rightfully or appropriately.
- Juvenile- pertaining to youth; not fully matured.
- Jade- green** – of a green shade resembling jade stone.
- Jangled- making a dissonant or disturbing noise.
- Jargonistic- characterized by the use of jargon.
- Jazzed- excited or enthusiastic.
- Jean- clad** – dressed in jeans.
- Jeerful- full of jeers; mocking.
- Jellylike- having the consistency of jelly.
- Jewel- like** – resembling a jewel in appearance or value.
- Jeopardizing- putting in danger or at risk.
- Jitterbugged- danced the jitterbug, a lively dance from the swing era.
- Jittering- acting nervously or shakily.
- Jivey- lively, energetic, and lively in style or music.
- Job- oriented** – focused or centered around work or employment.
- Jowly- having sagging or prominent cheeks.
- Jubilee- celebrating a special anniversary.
- Judiciary- relating to the judicial branch or system.
- Junior- high** – relating to a school level between elementary and high school.
- Junk- food** – pertaining to food that is unhealthy but very appealing or enjoyable.
- Jurassic- relating to the period of the Mesozoic era when dinosaurs thrived.
- Jurisprudent- possessing knowledge of or skilled in law.
- Just- introduced** – newly presented or launched.
- Just- so** – precisely correct or appropriate; meticulous.
- Jute- made** – manufactured from jute, a long, soft, shiny fiber.
- Juxtapositional- relating to being placed side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.
- Jazz- like** – resembling or characteristic of jazz music.
- Journal- worthy** – noteworthy enough to be recorded in a journal.