Discover a variety of adjectives starting with the letter “U” to enhance your vocabulary and improve your descriptive writing.
- Ubiquitous- existing or being everywhere at once
- Ugly- unpleasant to look at
- Ulcerative- characterized by having ulcers
- Ultimate- last; final; most significant
- Ultra- extreme; beyond normal
- Ultramodern- extremely modern; advanced
- Umbral- related to shadows or thresholds
- Unabashed- not embarrassed or ashamed
- Unadorned- without decorations; plain
- Unaffected- genuine; not influenced
- Unanimous- in complete agreement
- Unassuming- modest; not pretentious
- Unattainable- unable to be reached or achieved
- Unaware- lacking knowledge or awareness
- Unbalanced- not in equilibrium; unequal
- Unbeatable- unable to be defeated
- Unbelievable- incredible; hard to believe
- Unbiased- showing no prejudice; impartial
- Unblemished- without marks or spots
- Unbreakable- impossible to break
- Uncanny- strange; mysterious; supernatural
- Uncertain- not sure; indefinite
- Unchanged- remaining the same over time
- Uncharacteristic- not typical of a particular person or thing
- Uncomfortable- causing discomfort or unease
- Uncommon- rare; not usual
- Uncomplicated- simple; straightforward
- Unconditional- absolute; not subject to conditions
- Unconfirmed- not yet verified or substantiated
- Unconventional- not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed
- Uncouth- lacking good manners, refinement, or grace
- Uncovered- not covered; exposed
- Undecided- not having made a decision
- Undefeated- not defeated; unbeaten
- Undeniable- cannot be denied; unquestionable
- Underdeveloped- not fully developed
- Understandable- able to be understood
- Understated- presented or expressed in a subtle and effective way
- Undesirable- not wanted or desirable
- Undeterred- not discouraged; persistent
- Undiminished- not reduced or lessened
- Undisputed- not questioned or disputed
- Undivided- not divided or separated; complete
- Uneasy- not comfortable; anxious
- Unequaled- superior; having no equal
- Unethical- not conforming to approved standards of behavior
- Uneven- not level or smooth
- Unexpected- not expected or anticipated
- Unfailing- never failing; always effective
- Unfavorable- adverse; negative
- Unfeeling- lacking compassion or emotion
- Unfinished- not finished; incomplete
- Unfit- not suitable or qualified
- Unflappable- not easily upset or confused
- Unfocused- not concentrating or focusing attention
- Unfortunate- unlucky; having or marked by bad fortune
- Unfounded- not based on fact or reason
- Unfriendly- not friendly
- Unfulfilled- not completed or realized
- Ungrateful- not showing gratitude
- Unhappy- not happy; sad
- Unhealthy- not healthy
- Uniform- always the same; not varying
- Unimaginable- impossible to imagine or think of
- Unimpressed- not feeling impressed
- Uninformed- not having or showing awareness or understanding
- Uninhabitable- not suitable for living
- Uninspiring- not making you feel excited or interested
- Unintended- not planned or meant
- Uninterrupted- continuous; not stopped
- Unique- being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else
- United- joined together politically or for a common purpose
- Universal- applicable everywhere or in all cases
- Unknown- not known; not famous or recognized
- Unlawful- not conforming to the law
- Unlikely- not likely to happen
- Unmanageable- difficult or impossible to manage or control
- Unmarked- not marked; not noticed
- Unmatched- superior to all others
- Unnecessary- not needed
- Unnerving- causing one to lose courage or confidence
- Unnoticed- not noticed or detected
- Unobtrusive- not conspicuous or attracting attention
- Unofficial- not official; not authorized
- Unparalleled- having no equal; matchless
- Unpleasant- not pleasant
- Unpredictable- not predictable; not able to be predicted
- Unprepared- not ready; not prepared
- Unproductive- not productive; not yielding results or profit
- Unprofitable- not profitable; yielding no profit
- Unqualified- not qualified or diminished in any way
- Unquestionable- not open to question; obvious
- Unravel- separate out; make plain or clear
- Unreachable- not able to be reached or attained
- Unrealistic- not realistic; impractical
- Unrefined- not refined; coarse or crude
- Unrelenting- not yielding or abating; harsh
- Unreliable- not dependable or trustworthy
- Unresolved- not resolved; not settled
- Unresponsive- not responding; not receptive.