Discover a variety of Spanish adjectives beginning with the letter ‘S’ to enhance your vocabulary and expression in Spanish.
- Sabio- wise
- Sádico- sadistic
- Salado- salty
- Salubre- healthful, wholesome
- Saludable- healthy
- Salvaje- wild
- Sano- healthy, sound
- Satisfactorio- satisfactory
- Sedentario- sedentary
- Sedoso- silky
- Seguro- safe, secure
- Selecto- select, chosen
- Sensato- sensible
- Sensible- sensitive
- Sensual- sensual
- Sentimental- sentimental
- Sereno- serene, calm
- Serio- serious
- Severo- severe
- Sexy- sexy
- Sibilante- hissing
- Sigiloso- stealthy
- Silencioso- silent
- Sincero- sincere
- Singular- singular, unique
- Siniestro- sinister
- Sintético- synthetic
- Sistemático- systematic
- Sobresaliente- outstanding
- Sociable- sociable
- Sofisticado- sophisticated
- Solitario- solitary, lonely
- Sólido- solid
- Sombrío- somber, gloomy
- Sonoro- resonant, sonorous
- Sordo- deaf
- Soso- bland, tasteless
- Sostenible- sustainable
- Soturno- somber, gloomy
- Suave- soft, smooth
- Subjetivo- subjective
- Sublime- sublime
- Subsecuente- subsequent
- Subterráneo- underground
- Súbito- sudden
- Sucio- dirty
- Suelto- loose
- Suficiente- sufficient
- Superficial- superficial
- Superior- superior
- Supremo- supreme
- Sureño- southern
- Susceptible- susceptible
- Sutil- subtle
- Suntuoso- sumptuous
- Supremo- supreme
- Supuesto- supposed
- Surrealista- surrealistic
- Suspenso- suspenseful
- Sustancial- substantial
- Sutil- subtle