V Adjectives: Enhance Your Vocabulary with These Words

Discover a comprehensive list of adjectives starting with the letter “v” that will enhance your vocabulary and improve your descriptive skills.

  1. Vain – excessively proud of one’s appearance.
  2. Vapid – lacking flavor, zest, or interest.
  3. Varied – showing diversity or variety.
  4. Vast – very great in size, number, amount, or extent.
  5. Venerable – commanding respect due to age or dignity.
  6. Vibrant – full of energy, enthusiasm, and liveliness.
  7. Vicious – deliberately cruel or violent.
  8. Vigilant – keeping careful watch for potential danger.
  9. Vigorous – strong, healthy, and full of energy.
  10. Vindictive – having a strong desire for revenge.
  11. Vintage – high quality from a past time.
  12. Violent – using or involving physical force.
  13. Virtuous – having or showing high moral standards.
  14. Visible – able to be seen.
  15. Vital – essential to existence or well- being.
  16. Vivid – producing powerful feelings or clear images in the mind.
  17. Volatile – liable to change rapidly and unpredictably.
  18. Voluminous – occupying or containing much space.
  19. Voracious – having a very eager approach to an activity.
  20. Vulnerable – susceptible to physical or emotional harm.
  21. Vanilla – plain and ordinary, lacking special features.
  22. Variable – not consistent or having a fixed pattern.
  23. Vexing – causing annoyance or frustration.
  24. Veracious – speaking or representing the truth.
  25. Verifiable – able to be checked or demonstrated to be true.
  26. Vernal – relating to spring.
  27. Veritable – true or real.
  28. Versatile – able to adapt or be adapted to many functions.
  29. Verbatim – in exactly the same words as were used originally.
  30. Vestigial – forming a very small remnant of something that was once much larger.
  31. Vocal – expressing opinions freely and often.
  32. Vorant – devouring or consuming great amounts.
  33. Vexed – annoyed, irritated, or worried.
  34. Variant – differing from the standard.
  35. Vicarious – experienced through another person.
  36. Vigorous – robust, dynamic, and energetic.
  37. Visual – relating to seeing or sight.
  38. Voluble – speaking incessantly and fluently.
  39. Valuable – worth a great deal of money or importance.
  40. Vivid – strikingly bright or intense.
  41. Voluntary – done, given, or acting of one’s own will.
  42. Verifiable – able to be proven or confirmed.
  43. Vertical – standing or pointing straight up.
  44. Verbose – expressed in more words than are needed.
  45. Visionary – thinking about or planning the future with imagination.
  46. Void – completely empty or lacking.
  47. Vulgar – lacking sophistication or good taste.
  48. Veiled – partially hidden or disguised.
  49. Valorous – showing great courage.
  50. Vivacious – attractively lively and animated.
  51. Visitant – appearing as a guest or visitor.
  52. Veneered – covered with a thin decorative layer.
  53. Vitalizing – giving energy or life.
  54. Vocalic – pertaining to vowel sounds.
  55. Valedictory – serving as a farewell.
  56. Virile – having strength and energy, typically of a man.
  57. Venerating – showing deep respect.
  58. Vectorial – relating to a vector.
  59. Visionary – imaginative and able to foresee future developments.
  60. Voluminous – large in volume or bulk.
  61. Valid – legally or logically correct.
  62. Verdant – green with grass or vegetation.
  63. Volcanic – explosively volatile.
  64. Vulnerable – open to attack or damage.
  65. Venturous – inclined to take risks or embark on adventures.
  66. Vagrant – wandering without a settled home.
  67. Veritable – being truly or very much so.
  68. Vigorous – done with power, force, or energy.
  69. Vehement – showing strong and passionate feeling.
  70. Verbiform – shaped like a word.
  71. Vital – absolutely necessary or important.
  72. Virtuoso – having exceptional talent or skill.
  73. Volant – capable of flying.
  74. Volitionally – done by choice.
  75. Virose – poisonous or venomous.
  76. Verdant – green and lush with plant life.
  77. Validating – confirming as accurate or legitimate.
  78. Vestigial – remaining after nearly all the rest has disappeared.
  79. Votary – dedicated or devoted to a particular pursuit.
  80. Vigil – maintaining alertness and watchfulness.
  81. Volitional – relating to the use of one’s will.
  82. Vigorous – involving physical strength or effort.
  83. Veridical – truthful or coinciding with reality.
  84. Voluptuous – relating to or characterized by luxury or sensual pleasure.
  85. Vulpine – resembling or relating to a fox.
  86. Viable – capable of working or developing successfully.
  87. Vanishing – disappearing rapidly.
  88. Vampirical – relating to vampires.
  89. Vendible – able to be sold.
  90. Venal – showing susceptibility to bribery.
  91. Vespertine – relating to, or occurring in the evening.
  92. Viridian – a blue- green pigment.
  93. Virological – relating to the study of viruses.
  94. Viscid – having a sticky or adhesive quality.
  95. Virescent – becoming green or greenish.
  96. Vandalic – relating to vandals or vandalism.
  97. Vulcanian – relating to or resembling a volcano.
  98. Vociferous – loudly and vehemently expressive.
  99. Viviparous – giving birth to live young.