Discover a list of words that start with “circum” and gain a deeper understanding of their meanings and uses.
- Circumference- The distance around a circle.
- Circumstantial- Pertaining to conditions or circumstances.
- Circumvent- To find a way around an obstacle.
- Circumscribe- To restrict within limits.
- Circumspect- Wary and unwilling to take risks.
- Circumference- The length of the boundary of a circle.
- Circumferential- Related to the outer boundary or perimeter.
- Circumlocution- The use of many words to say something that could be said more clearly.
- Circumstellar- Surrounding or located around a star.
- Circumsolar- Around the sun.
- Circumflex- A mark (^) placed over a vowel.
- Circumfluent- Flowing around.
- Circumfusion- The act of pouring or spreading around.
- Circumfluence- Liquid motion around a space.
- Circumvolution- A winding movement around something.
- Circumnavigate- To travel all the way around.
- Circumrotate- To rotate or move around something.
- Circumscribe- To draw a line around; to limit.
- Circumboreal- Spread around the northern regions of the Earth.
- Circumsolar- Situated around or surrounding the sun.
- Circumterrestrial- Surrounding or encompassing the Earth.
- Circumduction- Movement of a limb in a circular motion.
- Circumlunar- Around the moon.
- Circumambient- Surrounding; encompassing.
- Circumorbital- Surrounding the eye or another body part.
- Circumscript- Encircling or surrounding text.
- Circumterrestrial- Surrounding the Earth.
- Circumpolar- Surrounding or located near the pole.
- Circumstellar- Surrounding a star.
- Circuminsular- Situated around an island.
- Circumjacent- Lying around or about; surrounding.
- Circumlittoral- Surrounding or near the shore.
- Circummural- Surrounding a wall.
- Circumsolary- Encircling the sun.
- Circumvelous- Pertaining to the surrounding areas.
- Circumpendel- Spreading around or encircling.
- Circumvisory- Surrounding in terms of vision or sight.