In this article, you’ll discover a comprehensive list of words that start with the prefix “homo” and their meanings.
- Homogeneous- of the same kind.
- Homonym- word that sounds like another but differs in meaning.
- Homophone- word pronounced the same as another but differing in meaning.
- Homograph- word spelled the same as another but having a different meaning.
- Homogenize- to make uniform or similar.
- Homozygous- having identical pairs of genes for any given pair of hereditary characteristics.
- Homologous- having the same relation, relative position, or structure.
- Homocentric- having the same center.
- Homolytic- relating to or denoting the breaking of a chemical bond so that each fragment retains one of the originally bonded electrons.
- Homonuclear- relating to a molecule composed of identical nuclei.
- Homophobia- dislike or prejudice against homosexual people.
- Homoplasmy- having identical genetic information within an organelle.
- Homothermic- having a constant body temperature regardless of the environment.
- Homocyclic- containing only one kind of ring structure.
- Homoeothermic- synonym for homothermic.
- Homogenetic- having the same origin.
- Homoplastic- having the same form.
- Homoaromatic- aromaticity that retains despite structural deviations.
- Homoeomorph- having a similar shape or form.
- Homogamy- interbreeding within a specific group.
- Homodromous- moving in the same direction.
- Homofermentative- producing a single end product from fermentation.
- Homokaryotic- having identical nuclei.
- Homozygote- an individual having two identical alleles of a particular gene.
- Homostyly- similarity in the length of styles and stamens in flowers.
- Homotypic- of the same type.
- Homojunction- a boundary between two regions of the same material in a semiconductor device.
- Homoiousian- of similar but not identical substance or essence.
- Homodimer- a protein complex composed of two identical subunits.
- Homoerotic- concerning or arousing sexual desire centered on a person of the same sex.
- Hominy- hulled corn with the bran and germ removed.
- Homolog- a gene related to a second gene by descent from a common ancestral DNA sequence.
- Homiletic- relating to the art of preaching.
- Homoclinic- pertaining to, or involving the same inclination.
- Homoscedastic- pertaining to statistical populations with equal variances.
- Homozygosis- process of becoming homozygous.
- Homoiotherm- synonym for homoeotherm or homotherm.
- Homovanillic- a compound related to vanillin formed in the human body.
- Homophonic- in music, characterized by the predominance of a single melodic line.
- Homocercal- having a symmetrical tail fin, typical of most bony fishes.
- Homograft- a tissue graft from a donor of the same species as the recipient.
- Homostyly- similarity in the length of styles and stamens in flowers.
- Homomeric- composed of identical parts.
- Homologate- to approve or confirm officially.
- Homoiousion- of a similar essence though notably distinct.
- Homoeoteleuton- the occurrence of two similar endings in proximity causing an error in copying text.
- Homothallic- having both male and female reproductive organs on the same thallus.
- Homocentric- having a common center.
- Homonomous- having parts or organs of the same type.
- Homomorphism- a structure-preserving map between two algebraic structures.
- Homoousian- of the same essence or substance, used especially in theological contexts.
- Homochiral- having the same chiral configuration or handedness.
- Homogametic- denoting the sex that has identical sex chromosomes.
- Homologous- having the same relation, relative position, or structure.
- Homoeomerous- similarly shaped parts or structures.
- Homplastic- similar due to evolutionary convergence.
- Homotopic- relating to or occurring at the same place.
- Homogyny- similarity in gene expression across individuals.
- Homophilous- having a preference for individuals with similar traits.
- Homosporous- producing one type of spore.
- Homologization- process of making homologous.
- Homoplasmons- sharing similar plasmons (structures carrying genetic material).
- Homomorpha- a genus of insects possessing similar forms.
- Homosynaptic- involving the same synapse.
- Homothetic- having a proportional relationship.
- Homonal- the essence of molecular symmetry.
- Homosexism- discrimination or prejudice against individuals based on same-sex preferences.
- Homosynaptic- occurring at the same synapse.
- Homotetramer- a protein complex consisting of four identical subunits.
- Homovanillic- a key metabolite of dopamine.
- Homothallism- capacity of a fungus to mate with genetically identical individuals.
- Homoblastic- developing similar blastulae.
- Homologization- standardizing similarities across species.
- Homogametic- forming only one type of gamete concerning sex chromosomes.
- Homogeny- similarity attributed to common ancestry.
- Homoglyph- a glyph similar to another glyph.
- Homoiothermy- ability to maintain a stable body temperature.
- Homoleptic- related to species in which all ligand sites are equivalent.
- Homogezous- expressing homogeneity.
- Homogeneal- uniform throughout in nature.
- Homogenic- genetically similar.
- Homomorph- organisms or structures with similar forms.
- Homoplastic- sharing common traits due to convergent evolution.
- Homonymous- relating to homonyms.
- Homospeciation- speciation within the same lineage.
- Homomorphism- mapping between two structures of the same type.
- Homologation- formal approval.
- Homosemous- having the same meaning.
- Homosocial- relating to social relationships between the same sex.
- Homodemic- genetic relatedness within a group.
- Homoplastic- exhibiting structural similarity.
- Homostylous- flowers with equal style lengths.
- Homotaxy- resemblance in position or structure.
- Homosporous- producing spores of the same kind.
- Homoacetate- related to homogeneous acetate compounds.
- Homothetic- maintaining proportional relations.
- Homotropic- affecting the same site within an enzyme or receptor.
- Homodirectional- going in the same direction.
- Homobaric- equal atmospheric pressure.
- Homothermic- maintaining a constant body temperature.