Discover an extensive list of words containing “graph” and learn their meanings in this comprehensive guide.
- Autograph- A person’s own signature.
- Biography- A detailed description of someone’s life.
- Calligraphy- Decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering.
- Choreography- The art of creating dance movements.
- Cinematography- The art of making motion pictures.
- Cryptography- The practice and study of techniques for secure communication.
- Demographic- Related to the structure of populations.
- Electrocardiograph- A machine that records the electrical activity of the heart.
- Epigraph- A quotation or inscription at the beginning of a book or chapter.
- Geography- The study of Earth’s physical features and the human interaction with them.
- Graph- A visual representation of data.
- Graphic- Relating to visual art, especially involving drawing or engraving.
- Graphite- A form of carbon used in pencils for writing or drawing.
- Holograph- A manuscript handwritten by its author.
- Ideograph- A character or symbol representing an idea or thing without expressing the pronunciation.
- Lithograph- A print made by lithography, a method of printing using a stone or metal plate.
- Monograph- A detailed study on a single specialized subject.
- Orthography- The conventional spelling system of a language.
- Paragraph- A distinct section of a piece of writing dealing with a single theme.
- Photography- The art of taking and processing photographs.
- Phonograph- An early sound-reproducing machine.
- Polygraph- A machine designed to detect and record changes in physiological characteristics.
- Seismograph- An instrument that measures and records details of earthquakes.
- Stylograph- A writing instrument with a needle-like point.
- Telegraph- A system for transmitting messages from a distance along a wire.
- Thermograph- A device that records temperature variations.
- Topography- The arrangement of natural and artificial physical features of an area.