Al Words: Understanding Their Use and Importance in Language

In this article, we’ll cover a variety of words that end with the suffix ‘-al’, explaining their meanings and uses in everyday language.

  1. Alabaster- A fine-grained, translucent form of gypsum, typically white, used for sculptures and vases.
  2. Alacrity- Brisk and cheerful readiness.
  3. Alameda- A public walkway lined with trees.
  4. Alamo- A historic mission in San Antonio, famous for the 1836 battle held there during the Texas Revolution.
  5. Alanine- An amino acid that is used in the biosynthesis of proteins.
  6. Alarm- A warning sound or device.
  7. Albacore- A type of tuna with light-colored flesh.
  8. Albatross- A large seabird associated with superstitions among sailors.
  9. Alchemy- A medieval chemical science aiming to convert base metals into gold.
  10. Alcove- A recessed section of a room or garden.
  11. Alder- A type of tree belonging to the birch family.
  12. Alehouse- A tavern where ale is sold.
  13. Alert- To warn someone of a situation, typically requiring caution.
  14. Alfalfa- A plant widely grown as fodder for cattle.
  15. Algebra- A branch of mathematics dealing with symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols.
  16. Algorithm- A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations, especially by a computer.
  17. Alias- A false or assumed identity.
  18. Alibi- A defense claim that one was elsewhere when an act, typically a criminal act, took place.
  19. Alien- Belonging to a foreign country or nation.
  20. Alight- To descend from a vehicle or mount.
  21. Align- To place or arrange things in a straight line.
  22. Aliment- Food; nourishment.
  23. Alimony- A husband’s or wife’s court-ordered provision for a spouse after separation or divorce.
  24. Alkaline- Having a pH greater than 7.
  25. Allay- To diminish or put at rest (fear, suspicion, or worry).
  26. Allege- To claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong without proof.
  27. Allegory- A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning.
  28. Allergic- Having an allergy or increased sensitivity to a substance.
  29. Alleviate- To make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.
  30. Alley- A narrow passageway between or behind buildings.
  31. Alliance- A union or association formed for mutual benefit.
  32. Allocate- To distribute (resources or duties) for a specific purpose.
  33. Alloy- A metal made by combining two or more metallic elements.
  34. Allude- To suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at.
  35. Allure- To powerfully attract or charm; tempt.
  36. Ally- A state formally cooperating with another for a military or other purposes.
  37. Almanac- An annual publication listing a set of events forthcoming in the next year.
  38. Almond- The edible nut of a small deciduous tree.
  39. Almost- Not quite; very nearly.
  40. Aloft- Up in the air; overhead.
  41. Alone- Having no one else present; on one’s own.
  42. Along- Moving in a constant direction on (a path or any more or less horizontal surface).
  43. Aloof- Not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.
  44. Aloud- Audibly; not silently or in a whisper.
  45. Alpha- The first letter of the Greek alphabet, used to denote the first in a series.
  46. Alpine- Relating to high mountains.
  47. Already- Before or by now or the time in question.
  48. Alright- Nonstandard form of “all right.”
  49. Also- In addition; too.
  50. Altar- A table or flat-topped block used for religious rituals.
  51. Alter- To change or cause to change in character or composition.
  52. Alternate- Occurring or succeeding by turns.
  53. Altruism- The belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.
  54. Alum- A type of compound used mainly in dyeing and tanning.
  55. Alumni- Graduates or former students of a particular school, college, or university.
  56. Alveolar- Relating to the small air sacs in the lungs.
  57. Always- At all times; on all occasions.
  58. Amalgam- A mixture or blend.
  59. Amalgamate- To combine or unite to form one organization or structure.
  60. Amble- To walk at a slow, relaxed pace.
  61. Ambulance- A vehicle equipped for taking sick or injured people to and from the hospital.
  62. Ambush- A surprise attack by people lying in wait in a concealed position.
  63. Ameliorate- To make something bad or unsatisfactory better.
  64. Amenable- Open and responsive to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled.
  65. Amend- To make minor changes to (a text, piece of legislation, etc.) in order to make it fairer or more accurate.
  66. Amenity- A desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place.
  67. Amerce- Punish by imposing a fine.
  68. Amethyst- A precious stone consisting of a violet or purple variety of quartz.
  69. Amiable- Having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner.
  70. Amicable- Characterized by friendliness and absence of discord.
  71. Amid- Surrounded by; in the middle of.
  72. Amino- Relating to or containing an amine group.
  73. Amish- Relating to a group of traditionalist Christian church fellowships with Swiss German Anabaptist origins.
  74. Amiss- Not quite right; inappropriate or out of place.
  75. Amitosis- The direct method of cell division, characterized by simple cleavage of the nucleus without the formation of chromosomes.
  76. Amnesty- An official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses.
  77. Amorphous- Without a clearly defined shape or form.
  78. Amount- A quantity of something.
  79. Ample- Enough or more than enough; plentiful.
  80. Amplify- To increase the volume of (sound), especially using an amplifier.
  81. Amputate- To cut off (a limb), typically by surgical operation.
  82. Amulet- An ornament or small piece of jewelry thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease.
  83. Amuse- To cause to find something funny or to entertain.
  84. Analog- A person or thing seen as comparable to another.
  85. Analogy- A comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.
  86. Analyse/Analyze- Examine in detail the constitution or structure of something.
  87. Anarchy- A state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
  88. Anatomical- Relating to the bodily structure of organisms.
  89. Ancestor- A person from whom one is descended.
  90. Anchor- A heavy object attached to a rope or chain used to moor a vessel to the sea bottom.
  91. Ancient- Belonging to the very distant past.
  92. And- Used to connect words of the same part of speech, clauses, or sentences, that are to be taken jointly.
  93. Anecdote- A short, amusing story about a real incident or person.
  94. Anemia- A condition in which there is a deficiency of red cells or of hemoglobin in the blood.
  95. Aneurysm- An excessive localized enlargement of an artery caused by a weakening of the artery wall.
  96. Angel- A spiritual being believed to act as an attendant or messenger of God.
  97. Anger- A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.
  98. Angle- The space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet.
  99. Anglophile- A person who is fond of or greatly admires England or Britain.
  100. Anguish- Severe mental or physical pain or suffering.