Space Terms: Definitions and FAQs

Discover a comprehensive list of space terms to enhance your understanding of the cosmos.

  1. Astronaut- A person trained to travel and navigate space.
  2. Galaxy- A massive system of stars, planetary systems, and other celestial bodies.
  3. Black Hole- A region in space with gravitational pull so strong, nothing can escape.
  4. Comet- An icy body that releases gas or dust and often has a visible tail.
  5. Nebula- A cloud of gas and dust in space, often a star nursery.
  6. Star- A massive ball of gas emitting heat and light.
  7. Supernova- An explosion marking the death of a massive star.
  8. Orbit- The path one celestial body takes around another.
  9. Planet- A celestial body orbiting a star, clear of other debris.
  10. Meteor- A small particle from space burning up in Earth’s atmosphere.
  11. Meteorite- A meteoroid that survives the atmosphere and lands on Earth.
  12. Asteroid- A small rocky body orbiting the sun.
  13. Quasar- A very energetic and distant active galactic nucleus.
  14. Light- year – The distance light travels in one year.
  15. Cosmic- Relating to the universe or cosmos.
  16. Lunar- Pertaining to the moon.
  17. Solar- Relating to the sun.
  18. Constellation- A group of stars forming a pattern.
  19. Eclipse- One celestial body obscuring another, e.g., solar or lunar.
  20. Exoplanet- A planet located outside our solar system.
  21. Gravity- The force that attracts two bodies toward each other.
  22. Hubble Telescope- A space telescope observing in high resolution.
  23. Interstellar- Existing or occurring between stars.
  24. Milky Way- The galaxy containing our solar system.
  25. Photon- A particle representing a quantum of light.
  26. Universe- All existing matter and space as a whole.
  27. Satellite- An object placed in orbit around a planet or moon.
  28. Space Station- A large spacecraft in orbit where people live and work.
  29. Rocket- A vehicle designed to travel through space.
  30. Space Shuttle- A craft to transport astronauts to and from space.
  31. Dark Matter- A type of matter inferred from its gravitational effects.
  32. Dark Energy- An unknown force causing the universe to expand faster.
  33. Big Bang- The theoretical event marking the origin of the universe.
  34. Redshift- The increase in wavelength as an object moves away.
  35. Blueshift- The decrease in wavelength as an object moves closer.
  36. Pulsar- A highly magnetized rotating neutron star emitting radiation.
  37. White Dwarf- A small, dense star left after a stellar explosion.
  38. Neutron Star- A stellar remnant from the collapse of a massive star.
  39. Event Horizon- The boundary of a black hole beyond which nothing can escape.
  40. Cosmic Microwave Background- The thermal radiation left over from the Big Bang.
  41. Extraterrestrial- Pertaining to life or objects beyond Earth.
  42. Daylight- The light of the sun during the day.
  43. Aurora- Light display caused by solar particles interacting with the atmosphere.
  44. Space Probe- An uncrewed spacecraft that collects data.
  45. Spacewalk- An astronaut’s activities outside a spacecraft.
  46. Tidal Force- The gravitational effect causing tides on Earth.
  47. Astrobiology- The study of life in the universe.
  48. Deep Space- The region of outer space far from Earth or celestial bodies.
  49. Elliptical Galaxy- A type of galaxy characterized by an elliptical shape.
  50. Spiral Galaxy- A galaxy with a spiral structure.
  51. Irregular Galaxy- A galaxy with no regular shape.
  52. Heliocentric- Earth and planets revolving around the sun.
  53. Geocentric- Earth as the center of the universe.
  54. Zenith- The point directly overhead in the sky.
  55. Umbra- The fully shaded inner region of a shadow.
  56. Penumbra- The partially shaded outer region of a shadow.
  57. Apogee- The point in orbit farthest from Earth.
  58. Perigee- The point in orbit closest to Earth.
  59. Chronograph- An instrument for recording time with precision.
  60. Parallax- The apparent shift of an object against a distant background.
  61. Astronomy- The study of celestial objects, space, and the universe.
  62. Astrophysics- The branch of astronomy dealing with the physics of celestial bodies.
  63. Celestial- Pertaining to the sky or outer space.
  64. Equinox- When day and night are nearly equal.
  65. Solstice- When the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky.
  66. Magnetosphere- The magnetic field surrounding Earth or another planet.
  67. Oort Cloud- A theoretical cloud of icy objects surrounding the solar system.
  68. Kuiper Belt- A region of the solar system beyond Neptune, home to many icy bodies.
  69. Thermosphere- The atmospheric layer above the mesosphere.
  70. Exosphere- The outermost layer of Earth’s atmosphere.
  71. Mesosphere- The atmospheric layer above the stratosphere.
  72. Stratosphere- The atmospheric layer above the troposphere.
  73. Troposphere- The lowest layer of Earth’s atmosphere.
  74. Clusters- Groups of galaxies bounded by gravity.
  75. Bolide- A large meteor that explodes in the atmosphere.
  76. Cepheid- A type of variable star used as distance markers.
  77. Dwarf Planet- A celestial body similar to a planet but lacking some criteria.
  78. Singularity- A point where gravitational forces cause infinite density.
  79. White Hole- A hypothetical region of space-time which cannot be entered.
  80. Gamma Ray- High energy electromagnetic radiation.
  81. Infrared- Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than visible light.
  82. Ultraviolet- Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths shorter than visible light.
  83. Magnetar- A type of neutron star with an extremely powerful magnetic field.
  84. Hypernova- An extremely energetic supernova.
  85. Binary Star- Two stars orbiting a common center.
  86. Space Junk- Debris from spacecraft and satellites orbiting Earth.
  87. Albedo- The reflectivity of a surface, usually a planet or moon.
  88. Zenith- The highest point reached by a celestial body.
  89. Azimuth- The angle between the projected vector of an object and a reference direction.
  90. Nova- A star that suddenly increases in brightness.
  91. Protostar- A contracting mass of gas forming into a star.
  92. Brown Dwarf- A celestial object not massive enough to sustain nuclear fusion.
  93. Accretion Disk- A disk of gas and dust around a celestial body.
  94. Blazar- A very compact quasar associated with a supermassive black hole.
  95. Escape Velocity- The speed needed to break free from a celestial body’s gravity.
  96. Magnetohydrodynamics- The study of the dynamics of electrically conducting fluids.
  97. Synchrotron Radiation- Electromagnetic radiation emitted when charged particles travel in curved paths.
  98. Cosmology- The study of the origin and evolution of the universe.
  99. Meteoroid- A small rocky or metallic body in outer space.
  100. Extravehicular Activity- Activity done by an astronaut outside a spacecraft.