thr words: Definition, Uses, and Examples

Discover a comprehensive list of words starting with “thr” to enhance your vocabulary and understanding.

  1. Tenacious – Holding firm to something
  2. Reliable – Dependable and trustworthy
  3. Helpful – Ready to assist others
  4. Resolute – Admirably determined or unwavering
  5. Robust – Strong and healthy
  6. Supportive – Providing encouragement or support
  7. Diligent – Showing care in one’s work
  8. Dedicated – Devoted to a cause or task
  9. Thorough – Complete with attention to detail
  10. Industrious – Hardworking and persistent
  11. Enduring – Lasting over time
  12. Faithful – Loyal and steadfast
  13. Efficient – Performing in the best possible manner
  14. Persistent – Continuing despite difficulties
  15. Resilient – Able to recover quickly
  16. Committed – Pledged or bound to a cause
  17. Consistent – Steady and reliable
  18. Steadfast – Firmly fixed in place
  19. Conscientious – Wishing to do what’s right
  20. Loyal – Faithful to commitments
  21. Attentive – Paying close attention
  22. Meticulous – Great attention to detail
  23. Dependable – Reliable and trustworthy
  24. Trustworthy – Worthy of trust
  25. Patient – Able to accept delays
  26. Adaptable – Able to adjust to new conditions
  27. Persevering – Continuing despite difficulties
  28. Assiduous – Showing great care and perseverance
  29. Courageous – Brave and facing danger
  30. Empathetic – Understanding others’ feelings
  31. Considerate – Showing regard for others
  32. Altruistic – Selflessly concerned for others
  33. Observant – Paying careful attention
  34. Sympathetic – Showing compassion
  35. Generous – Giving freely
  36. Gracious – Courteous and kind
  37. Thoughtful – Considerate of others
  38. Gentle – Mild and kind
  39. Compassionate – Feeling or showing sympathy
  40. Nurturing – Caring for and encouraging growth
  41. Honest – Truthful and sincere
  42. Sincere – Free from deceit
  43. Respectful – Showing respect
  44. Fair – Free from bias
  45. Ethical – Morally correct
  46. Noble – Having high moral principles
  47. Benevolent – Well- meaning and kindly
  48. Charitable – Generous in donations
  49. Decent – Conforming to standards
  50. Just – Based on fairness
  51. Pragmatic – Dealing sensibly with problems
  52. Practical – Concerned with actual practice
  53. Realistic – Practical and reasonable
  54. Objective – Not influenced by personal feelings
  55. Rational – Based on reason
  56. Mindful – Aware and attentive
  57. Balanced – In a well- proportioned state
  58. Judicious – Having good judgement
  59. Wise – Showing experience and knowledge
  60. Intelligent – High mental capacity
  61. Insightful – Having deep understanding
  62. Perceptive – Sensitive to the environment
  63. Analytical – Using logical reasoning
  64. Knowledgeable – Well informed
  65. Expert – Highly skilled or knowledgeable
  66. Competent – Capable and efficient
  67. Skillful – Having or showing skill
  68. Capable – Having the ability to do something
  69. Versatile – Able to adapt or be adapted
  70. Proficient – Competent in a skill
  71. Adept – Very skilled or proficient
  72. Innovative – Featuring new methods
  73. Creative – Involving the imagination
  74. Ingenious – Clever and inventive
  75. Resourceful – Effective in problem- solving
  76. Imaginative – Having creativity
  77. Dynamic – Energetically active and changing
  78. Energetic – Showing or involving energy
  79. Enthusiastic – Showing intense enjoyment
  80. Spirited – Full of energy and enthusiasm
  81. Vibrant – Full of energy and life
  82. Passionate – Showing strong feelings
  83. Driven – Very motivated
  84. Ambitious – Eagerly aiming for success
  85. Motivated – Eager to achieve goals
  86. Determined – Firm in purpose
  87. Focused – Concentrated on a task
  88. Purposeful – Having a clear aim
  89. Decisive – Having the ability to decide
  90. Bold – Showing a willingness to take risks
  91. Brave – Ready to face danger
  92. Adventurous – Willing to take risks
  93. Fearless – Without fear
  94. Stalwart – Loyal, reliable, and hardworking
  95. Valorous – Showing courage
  96. Heroic – Having the characteristics of a hero
  97. Gallant – Brave and noble
  98. Audacious – Willing to take bold risks
  99. Chivalrous – Courteous and gallant
  100. Intrepid – Fearless and adventurous