Tru Words: Definition, Importance, and FAQs

In this article, you’ll learn the meaning of “tru words” and how they differ from true words in language use and understanding.

  1. Truth – Correspondence to reality or fact.
  2. True – Accurate or exact.
  3. Veracity – Habitual truthfulness.
  4. Honesty – Quality of being truthful.
  5. Authenticity – Genuine and real nature.
  6. Accuracy – Precision or correctness.
  7. Credibility – Believability or trustworthiness.
  8. Sincerity – Openness and honesty.
  9. Genuineness – Being authentic and sincere.
  10. Integrity – Adherence to moral and ethical principles.
  11. Candor – Openness and straightforwardness.
  12. Objectivity – Unbiased and impartial perspective.
  13. Realism – Accepting facts and reality.
  14. Faithfulness – Loyalty and reliability.
  15. Exactness – Correctness down to the smallest detail.
  16. Reliability – Dependability and consistency.
  17. Factuality – Based on facts.
  18. Straightforwardness – Direct and clear manner.
  19. Uprightness – Moral integrity and honesty.
  20. Fidelity – Faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief.
  21. Certainty – Firm conviction of truth.
  22. Precision – Exact and accurate detail.
  23. Trustworthiness – Deserving of trust and confidence.
  24. Transparency – Openness and clarity.
  25. Correctness – Free from error; in accordance with facts.
  26. Consistency – Steadfast adherence to the same principles.
  27. Dependability – Being reliable and trustworthy.
  28. Legitimacy – Conformity to law or rules.
  29. Authenticness – Being authentic, not false.
  30. Probity – Quality of having strong moral principles.
  31. Equity – Fairness and impartiality.
  32. Validity – Conformity to truth or fact.
  33. Surety – Certainty and confidence.
  34. Verity – True principle or belief.
  35. Exactitude – State of being exact.
  36. Conviction – Firmly held belief or opinion.
  37. Evidentness – Clearly seen or understood.
  38. Genuine – Truly what something is said to be.
  39. Trust – Firm belief in reliability or truth.
  40. Rectitude – Morally correct behavior.
  41. Warranty – Assurance and guarantee.
  42. Plausibility – Quality of being reasonable or probable.
  43. Dependence – Reliance on someone or something.
  44. Pureness – Untainted and genuine.
  45. Valid – Logically sound and legally binding.
  46. Real – Actual and authentic.
  47. Actuality – Reality or real existence.
  48. Bona fide – Genuine and sincere.
  49. Legal – Conformity with the law.
  50. Honest – Free of deceit and untruthfulness.
  51. Faith – Complete trust or confidence.
  52. Exact – Precisely accurate.
  53. Adherence – Commitment to a person, cause, or belief.
  54. Representation – Describing or depicting accurately.
  55. Indubitability – Impossible to doubt.
  56. Evidence – Proof supporting truth.
  57. Demonstrability – Capable of being demonstrated.
  58. Affirmation – Act of affirming truth.
  59. Precision – Accuracy and exactness.
  60. Fidelity – Faithfulness to obligations and duties.
  61. Authentic – Genuine and accurate.
  62. Affirmative – Agreeing with a statement; expressing the truth.
  63. Belief – Acceptance that something is true.
  64. Virtue – Behavior showing high moral standards.
  65. Rectitude – Morally correct thinking or behavior.
  66. Realness – Being genuine and not artificial.
  67. Verifiable – Capable of being verified or proven.
  68. Substantial – Of considerable importance, size, or worth.
  69. Evident – Clearly seen or understood.
  70. Accuracy – The degree to which measurement is true.
  71. Honor – High respect; adherence to what is right.
  72. Concrete – Existing in a material or physical form.
  73. Substantiation – Providing evidence to support truth.
  74. Proven – Demonstrated to be true.
  75. Just – Based on or behaving according to what is morally right.
  76. Reliable – Consistently good in quality or performance.
  77. Reliable – Counting on someone or something to be truthful.
  78. Sure – Certain and confident in the truth.
  79. Plausible – Seeming reasonable or probable.
  80. Clear – Easy to perceive, understand, or interpret.
  81. Unerring – Always right or accurate.
  82. Absolute – Total and complete truth.
  83. Surefooted – Confident and unlikely to make mistakes.
  84. Certain – Known for sure; established beyond doubt.
  85. Indisputable – Unable to be challenged or denied.
  86. Pure – Wholly genuine; not mixed with anything else.
  87. Evident – Plain to see and understand.
  88. Immutable – Unchanging over time.
  89. Concrete – Existing in a tangible, solid form.
  90. Infallible – Incapable of making mistakes.
  91. Confirmed – Established as true or valid.
  92. Direct – Without intervening factors; straightforward.
  93. Clear- cut – Defined and unambiguous.
  94. Substantiated – Proven or supported by evidence.
  95. Foundation – Basis or groundwork of truth.
  96. Axiomatic – Self- evident or unquestionable.
  97. True- hearted – Sincere and loyal.
  98. Pure- blooded – Of unmixed descent; authentic.
  99. Straight – Honest and straightforward.
  100. Realistic – Accepting and representing facts accurately.